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Glancing at the clock that was hung above the desk in my room, I quickened my pace realizing it was already 8:04am.

The bus to the airport was going to arrive the school at nine and my trip to school would be about fifteen to twenty minutes, which meant I had to pick up my speed and get out of the house, fast.

Not to mention I also planned on stopping by an old spot in the school where the nine of us used to hang out. Though I felt sort of bad that Jimin wasn't close to us at that point in time and wasn't there to make freshmen memories with us. But thinking back at those moments, I realized how big of a group we were.

It was nice though.

I grabbed my mini handbag that had my most important things in it as my suitcase was at school being loaded onto another bus since we all had to bring our main luggage in yesterday.

I grabbed my keys, hurriedly walking out the house before locking the front door and making my way down my usual path to school.

As I walked through the doors of the school, it felt weird seeing this few students in the morning before school. After all, today was a Saturday and only the graduating classes were at school for the trip.

I glanced at the digital clock on the wall flashing 8:23am in bright red.

 Keeping in mind that I still had around thirty-five minutes until the bus got here, I made my way down the hall and to the West wing. The hallway was always quite empty for some odd reason. I heard that there was an accident here a couple of years back, but seeing how everyone's story was different, it was all just rumours. But regardless, the nine of us always managed to have a good time in one of the classrooms.

We'd all just goof around in there and be the idiots we were. This was all before any of them started dating. We all were just friends and nothing more. I did get teased sometimes about how I was the last one in the group that was still single, but it was all just jokes and didn't feel the need to get into a relationship.

I even remembered carving our names into one of the desks and playing hide and seek in the whole wing since most of it was just full of empty classrooms. Soohyun, Minjae and I would always end up following someone and hiding with them since we were too scared to hide on our own.

But our time in the west wing soon came to an end when a rather scary junior, Hysu's older brother, walked into the same classroom as us with his friends during our second year of high school.

They told us to leave but we, being the stubborn sophomores we were, tried acting up. We all stayed in our spots, testing their patience.

I remember one his friends, pulling out a silver pistol and with just that one move, we all dashed out of the class and from what I know of, I don't think any of us went back there again after that day. It had become their hangout spot and by the time the next two years had gone around, none of us seemed to mention it. It wasn't a deep topic or anything. It was just never brought up in any of our conversations.

Finally arriving at the very classroom that held most of our memories from the first two years of high school, I walked inside almost immediately scrunching up my face when realizing how much the classroom now reeked of cigarettes.

Ignoring the distasteful smell, I walked further into the room, becoming suddenly paranoid and aware of my surroundings. I was alone in an abandoned corner of the school. Almost anything could happen. But that feeling was soon replaced with warmth as a small smile formed on my lips upon noticing our names on the desk that we carved 4 years ago.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a small glimpse of light come from the floor somewhere. There was a small object in the corner of the room. Furrowing my brows, I realized it was a watch. A rather expensive one at that too. It wasn't really working at the time but it did look sort of familiar. After examining the watch, I widened my eyes realizing it belonged Jungkook's which mean he was here recently too.

But before I could think of anything else, the sound of footsteps could be heard down the hall. Heavy ones too. There was definitely more than one.

Shoving the watch in my pocket, I made a run for the walk in closet in the classroom after tripping over a can that soon went flying to a corner of the room.

I steadied my breathing, hoping for my life that whoever it was would just simply walk by the classroom. But luck just never seemed to side with me as the footsteps entered the room as the voices of males filled the air.

The boys talked and laughed as I tried my absolute best not to make a single sound, but then one of the voices in particular caught my attention almost too quickly.

Kwon Hysu.

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