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I stood in front of my closet debating about what I should wear. Jimin and I had decided on meeting up today to work on our assignment.

After giving up on looking for something nice, I ended up wearing a red sweatshirt along with a pair of black jeans. I took a quick glance at my digital clock that was on my nightstand noticing that it was already 1:04pm.

I gasped quietly realizing that I was late. We agreed on meeting up at one and I took at least ten minutes to walk to the library.

I quickly grabbed my phone, and made my way down the stairs before dashing out the house.

After a good few minutes of jogging towards the library, I walked through the library doors looking around for Jimin to no avail.

I checked my phone for any messages from him but there was nothing.

I texted him, apologising for being late and asking where he was.

I was just hoping he would be late too.


double update !!
also, please don't mind it too much, but the next few chapters may be a bit short. but i'll definitely make up for it by publishing them more frequently.

also i published new book recently called 'the dollmaker | jungkook'
so feel free to check it out ! it would mean tons ! ♡

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