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Leaning back in his chair, Jimin stretched out his arms before rolling his shoulder blades back, which I had to admit—was sort of hot.

He yawned, tilting his head from side to side in order to crack his neck bone before looking at me as I just sat on my seat, staring at him sitting across from me.

"You okay?" he raised a brow as I quickly composed myself after realizing that I probably looked creepy.

I quickly nodded as I finished typing up my last paragraph for the day.

"So, since we're done around half of it, we can finish it some other time since the library is going to close in around twenty-five minutes." He showed my his phone that displayed 7:36pm in a bright white font.

"Or I could just finish it on my own tonight if you'd like?" I suggested as he looked at me with his brows raised.

"Why would you want to do that?" He chuckled while cleaning up his stuff before placing them neatly in his bag.

The Park Jimin that the school knew definitely was not someone who would keep their backpack neat.

But I guess rumours are just rumours. 

"Plus, it's due until Wednesday." He pointed out.

"Yeah, but I just want to get it off my shoulders I guess." I smiled sheepishly at him as he stopped packing to look at me.

"Then I can try to get it done on my own tonight if you want." He forced a smile, trying to be kind even though I knew as nice as he was trying to be, he definitely did not want to complete the assignment on his own, let alone tonight.

"Jimin, really. It's fine." I chuckled reaching out for the books he had already shoved into his backpack before he had moved it out of my reach.

"Fine, how about we come back here tomorrow and finish it together?" He suggested with a soft voice.

"Sounds good to me." I shrugged as we both began making our way out the doors of the library.

"It's getting a bit dark." Jimin muttered quietly as he looked at me. "Do you have a ride home?"

"Ah, no, but I'm fine walking home on my own."

I hated walking or being in the outdoors in general after it's gotten dark.

"You sure?" Jimin looked at me with worry as I nodded with a smile, assuring him that I would be fine.

We both then parted ways after bidding each other a quick farewell.

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