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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"Jimin, I can see you." I laughed as he didn't move from his hiding spot. "You're behind the plant, now come on out."

"That's not fair! You cheated!" He whined, pointing his index finger at me.

We were all playing hide and seek in the building since the schedule for the trip said we could just chill in the hotel for today.

Luckily, I had spent the night in Jimin's room without Hysu coming in the way.

"Did not. Not my fault you suck at hiding. Who hides behind a mini plant in the middle of the main hallway? Actually no, you weren't even behind it. You were in front of it having your back facing the elevators." I laughed as he pouted and walked over to me.

We both tensed up when we noticed the woman at the front desk eyeing us. She pushed her glasses up with her index finger, narrowing her eyes at us.

"U-uh so um- did you find your wallet, Jimin?" I asked trying to make up an excuse.

We were already scolded twice by her about not being allowed to play games like these in the building, and I really didn't plan on getting kicked out on our second day.

"My Wallet? Wha- Ow!" I nudged him hard in the stomach. "What was that for?!" He then looked at the woman at the front desk who was glaring at us as she stood up from her chair.

"Oh, my um wallet? Ah yes, my wallet! Heh, no sign of it here. Let's go look somewhere else." He said as he grabbed my arm and we both practically ran to the staircase.

"I swear she looked like she was going to kill us." He laughed as we started walking up the stairs.


"Fuck off." I was cut off by the sound of Jungkook's voice that echoed through the staircase. His voice came from a few floors above us.

"I swear to god if you ever touch her again." We heard Hoseok raise his voice threateningly.

Jimin and I quickly exchanged looks and hurried over to their voices, thinking Hoseok and Jungkook were fighting.

We both stopped once we reached the 4th floor, with the sight in front of us, shocking me.

Soohyun was crying as Hoseok had his arms around her, caressing her hair as he tried to calm her down. Jungkook, sitting on top of Hysu with his fist ready. Jira and Minjae watched the whole scene unfold, not knowing what to do as Taehyung stood by Jungkook.

My heart started racing at the sight and I began to panic, also not knowing what to do.

Yoongi and Minyoung suddenly walked through the staircase doors with Mr. Jung following behind.


"What the fuck? He literally harassed her and now you're telling me that he's off the hook with this? The teacher won't even tell the principal about what happened?" Hoseok raised his voice, causing Soohyun, who was wrapped around in his arms, to flinch.

The ten of us were crammed in Jira and Taehyung's hotel room, talking about the scene that had taken place no longer than 15 minutes ago.

"Like Hysu mentioned earlier. His father was known to be very generous with his money towards the school and payed them a good amount. Of course they're not going to say anything to Hysu." Minyoung sighed.

"Ahyeong even told us he was going after her for revenge over the stupid fight. I should've been more careful. I'm so sorry Soohyun." Jungkook's voice was full of regret looking at her, then at Minjae as she understood later that this was actually meant to happen to her and not Soohyun.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." She said softly looking up at him with a small smile.

None of the girls questioned how I knew about Hysu planning on taking revenge for the fight, so I'm assuming the boys already told them.

"It's wouldn't safe to leave any of the girls with Hysu." Yoongi sighed as Hoseok clenched his jaw staring at the floor.

"But he shares a god damn room with Ahyeong." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

"I'll be fine." I smiled at him reassuringly, but on the inside, I knew I was screwed.

"How about you stay in my room during the day time?" Jimin uggested as I nodded.

We all talked for a bit to get our mind off of the recent situation until we heard a knock at the door.

Glancing at the time, I noticed that it was already 8:56pm.

The room went quiet as we all just looked at eachother. Taehyung muttered a small "got it" before quickly getting up from his spot on the ground and walking towards the door.

Outside, stood Hysu and Mr. Jung.




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