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"What if I told you I liked it?" I lowered my voice, a small smile taking over my features as I noticed a tint of pink appear on her cheeks.

She covered her face with the palm of her hand again and just shook her head as she sunk deeper into the seat, practically falling off.

"I'm just playing." I shook my head with a laugh as she sat up on the seat properly again.

"Ahyeongie~" I heard Hysu call from the seat infront of us as he turned in his seat to face us.

"I really have to spend an entire week," She sunk back into her seat, rolling her eyes, "with that bit—"

"Language, my love." He said as he turned in his seat to face us.


I heald back a gag at hearing say that. Him speaking in general digusts me for some reason.

"Fuck off, Hysu" Jimin and I said at the same time as he looked at me and smiled.

"Well, I'll let you two have your little moment, I'm going to have her for the entire week anyway." He turned around in his seat.

I rolled my eyes as I stared out the window.

"You'll be fine. I'll make sure he doesn't touch you." Jimin smiled as he put his arm around me. Even an action as small as that made me feeling butterflies in my stomach. What is even happening.

"We'll  make sure he doesn't touch you." Jungkook corrected from behind us.

"Good job Jungkook, you just ruined their little moment." Minjae sighed, sitting next to Jungkook.

"But it was true, what kind of friend are you, not looking out for Ahyeong." He scoffed.

"I'll have you know, I'm a better friend than you cold ever be." She said arrogantly.

"For making me squeeze lemon juice into my eyes? Of course you're the best kind of friend." Jira rolled her eyes jokingly as Minjae winked at her.


We walked into the luxury hotel and a gasp escaped my lips at how beautiful the main floor was.

"I will be calling out the roommates you were paired into by our principal, and both of you must come to me for your room number and keycard." Our only teacher for the trip, Mr. Jung called out.

He called Hysu and I as we went to him and he gave us our room number and card to enter the room.

"What's your room number?" Yoongi asked me.

"Room 704." Hysu proudly stated as I lowered my head, knowing I was stuck with him.

"Oh my god Ahyeong!" Minjae practically yelled as her voice echoed through the main floor. Mr. Jung looked at us, before sighing and continuing to give out the room numbers and keys to the other students. "Jungkook and I got 702, Taehyung and Jira got 706, and Yoongi and Minyoung got 705!" She said excitedly as Taehyung laughed at her excited form. "And you know the best part?! Jimin and Woojin got 703, the room across from you!" She threw her arms up, embracing Soohyun in a bone crushing hug as she started tearing up from an excitement overload.

We all chuckled at her excitement as Soohyun, was trying to pushing Minjae off of her much smalled frame, little giggles escaping her lips.

"Enough chit chat, everyone may now go to their respected rooms." The teacher announced.

I tensed at the thought of Hysu and I being alone together in the in a room. I know our principal was stupid. But I didn't expect him to be this stupid.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay." Jimin assured me while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Of course, she'll be more than okay in my hands." Hysu smirked before pulling me into an elevator, leaving the others behind.


here's an update after a month of disappearing.

i hope you all are doing well during this pandemic and if any of you feel the need to talk so someone, my private messages are always open !

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