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"You promised you'd go easy on me!" Taehyung threw himself back and laid on the floor with his arms sprawled out as he gently threw the game controller on the soft rug.

"I did!" Jungkook laughed with a smug look as he watched Taehyung cross his arms and shake his head.

"The game literally started thirty seconds ago and I already lost." He complained.

"Okay, well not my fault you're bad at every video game we play." Jungkook muttered as he looked back at Taehyung's large television screen. "Give the controller to Jimin, I'm sure he wouldn't lose as easily."

Taehyung threw the controller to the couch I was sitting on. "He'll probable lose faster."

"For real though." Jungkook sighed. "If only Hoseok was here, he actually knows how to keep up a game."

"Hey! I'm good at video games too!" Taehyung raised his hand.

"I've only ever seen you play Legend Of Zelda properly and that's about it."

"Don't forget about Roblox too." I chuckled as I sat down between Taehyung and Jungkook on the marble floor.

"Okay, but like who doesn't like Roblox." Taehyung shook his head as Jungkook and I  laughed.

"Ready?" He looked at me. I nodded signaling for him to begin the next round.

Halfway through the game, I heard a notification on my phone go off from the couch I was on earlier.

"And you snooze, you lose." Jungkook smirked after winning yet another round.

"Hoseok will crush you next time." I scoffed, setting the controller down as I made my way towards the couch that Taehyung was now sitting on, jaw dropped.

"That little piece of-" Taehyung said through gritted teeth. "Oi Jeon. One more round." He licked his lips as he rolled up his sleeves before making his way towards Jungkook.


kim.ahyeong sent you a snap!


After taking a look at the notification, I decided not to open it since it might've been something about our assignment.

But then again, it might not have been, and even if it was, there was nothing I could do about it anyway.

I unlocked my phone opening the snap after debating once more about whether I should've opened it or not.

I read the snap.


Then read it once again.

Oh gosh.


oh my god i remember before i unpublished this book, this chapter used to be a scene where taehyung and jimin were selling weed together and some woman tried to seduce them for a cheaper price fjhkhgkjfd ew

and then jimin got ahyeong's snap and was talking about how he lowkey thought she was cute.

but whateverhjdfk enjoy the story loves-

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