Chapter 2

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— After moving —

To be honest, I don't really know why we moved. Mom never told me and I didn't really ask. Before we lived on the outskirts of a city. But now we lived in almost the middle of nowhere, surrounded by thick trees. Perhaps Mom wanted more peace and quiet.

The house was pretty nice. It resembled a sort of log cabin on the outside, but the inside was really modern. On the first floor, there was a kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, and a guest room. Upstairs was three rooms: one room for my mom, another guest room, and an office. There was also two bathrooms. In the basement was a laundry room, another living room type place as well as my room, which had a connecting bathroom. Lastly there was the attic. It had two large windows, one at each end, and was really just a typical attic. But for some reason, I really liked it. It had an amazing view of the surrounding forest and I knew I'd probably spend a lot of time up there.

I didn't have many problems with the house. My only problem with the house was that it was too big. It was only my mom and I living there so we really didn't need all the bedrooms. To each their own though, I guess.

I walked out of my room and into the basement living room, which I had basically turned into the ultimate game room. I had all the consoles and racks of games. A large TV sat perched atop a black table accompanied by an intense speaker system. In front of the TV, was a long couch, a recliner, and of course my gaming chair. I walked over to the TV and hooked up my Nintendo 64. I had it fixed literally a day before we moved. Oops. Anyway, I looked over at the countless games I had and decided to do a little Zelda marathon. I popped in Ocarina of Time and so it began.

— A few hours later —

"Holy shit man, I didn't think it was going to take that long to finish motherfucking Ocarina of Time. That's like the easiest one!" I mumbled to myself. I picked up my phone and checked the time, 9:45pm. I guess a little Majoras Mask wouldn't hurt. Plus it was my favorite game.

I pulled out the Ocarina of Time Cartridge, putting it back in its rightful place, and popped Majoras Mask into the console. However, after not that long of playing the game, it started glitching. I sighed heavily and saved my progress, then I pulled out the cartridge. "That's the problem with these old 64s..." I sighed. Then I blew on the cartridge, hoping that would fix it. (A/N: okay I don't know how old anyone reading this is but basically when one of your Nintendo 64 games starts acting funny, you're supposed to take it out and blow on it and that's supposed to fix it, I promise I'm not crazy XD).  I put the game back in and loaded it back up. It ran smoothly for a while before once again it started glitching. "Okay I am not about to take this out and blow on it again. Maybe it's the console? I mean I did take it to a pretty sketchy place to get it fixed..." I trailed off. With that, I saved my game and shut everything down.

Looking at the clock, I realized it was already 12am. Although I didn't have school in the morning, I still enjoyed sleeping more than almost anything else. So I stood up and headed to my bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I changed into my pajamas, which was really just shorts and a tank top, and got into bed.

— Let's just call this a short pause —

I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned but no matter what I just couldn't sleep. I huffed as I threw the covers off of me and got out of bed, marching out of my room, and upstairs. I walked into the kitchen quietly, moonlight shining in through the windows, and opened the fridge. "Fuck why does the fucking fridge light have to be so fucking bright. I just wanna get my Sunny D and live my life. Is that too much to ask for?" I mumbled angrily to myself.

After letting my eyes adjust to the light of the fridge, I grabbed a jug of Sunny D and closed the fridge. Then I got a cup out of one of the cabinets and guess what... I poured my Sunny D into the cup, amazing right? Anyways, after that, I put the Sunny D back in the fridge and trudged back downstairs into the basement, precious Sunny D in hand. I took a sip as I entered my room and shut the door behind me. Man did I hate people who didn't shut doors. I mean haven't they ever heard of closing the goddamn door?! Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

I climbed back into bed slowly and pulled out my phone. I was going to read fanfics until I passed out from exhaustion.

864 words

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