Chapter 17

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Image is the dress you're going to put on later. :D


Unknown POV:

I can't believe it. Slender wants to bring in a new creepypasta. We don't even have room for another one! Heck, we don't even have room for those of us already here. Most of us have to share rooms and the mansion isn't nearly big enough for us all. The bathrooms are always being used and there's always people fighting in the kitchen. I don't know why Slender thinks this is a good idea.

Maybe I heard wrong. He does have a pretty thick door and I was hardly able to hear just by pressing my head against it. Then again, having a new pasta might be fun. I sighed as I began walking away from the door.

"Child. I know you're out there. Come in." Slender said into my mind. I froze, realizing I had been caught before giving in and going into his office. "What's up?" I asked, pretending nothing happened.

"I've decided to recruit a new pasta. This one has killed numerous people and in an interesting way. They have yet to be caught and I'm curious as to how they've been able to get this far. I want you to bring them to me." Slender explained. "Sooo can I have a little fun with them? They don't have to be uninjured, right?" I asked hopefully.

"Bring her to me in ONE PIECE or I'll ban you from killing for a month." Slender threatened. A month! There's no way I could go that long without killing. "How come you can't just have Masky or Hoodie do it?! Or Toby?! Or anyone else?! BEN can use computers and stuff, ask him!" I complained.

"This is your punishment for eavesdropping." He said, staring at me. "It's not my fault you 'talked' out loud." I mumbled.
Slender slid a piece of paper to me. On it was a picture of a girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She looked young, maybe a highschooler. "This chick kills people? Pfft I doubt it." I thought. Below her picture was an address as well as some random information about her.

Sex: Female
Age: 17
Parents: Mother is deceased and father is living elsewhere
Address: (honestly just insert a random address here guys)

"When do you want me to do this?" I asked. "As soon as possible. But be careful Jeff. She's stronger than she looks." Slender warned. I laughed at that. This chick couldn't hurt a fly. She was probably only able to kill old people or something. I walked out of Slenders office, paper in hand. "I'll do this tomorrow" I thought. It was too early in the morning for all this.

"Hey Jeff, whatcha got there?" BEN said, appearing out of nowhere. "Slender wants me to go get some chick because he wants to make her a pasta. Look at this chick though! She looks weak." I complained, showing BEN the paper. BEN looked at the paper for a few seconds before looking back at me.

"I don't know Jeff, if Slender wants to make her a pasta she must be pretty strong. You should be careful." BEN warned me. "Yeah yeah that's what Slender said." I mumbled. "So when are you going to get her?" BEN asked. "Ehhhh maybe tomorrow. I'm too tired right now." I replied, walking away and heading to my room.



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why is Slender sending Jeff to get her?! Does he really think she's that dangerous?! Jeff might be sloppy with his work, which is why Slender doesn't send him in many missions, but he's one of the strongest. Slender only sends Jeff on missions that require a lot of force and possibly a lot of killing too. I shouldn't worry too much. If Slender wants (Y/N) to become a pasta, he'll make sure Jeff knows she needs to be alive. But that won't stop Jeff from hurting her.

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