Chapter 36

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Guys I am the most last minute author XD. It's like 10:45pm where I'm at rn and I haven't even started writing the chapter for today.

I woke up feeling very disoriented. What happened? I sat up and stretched before I immediately froze. Shouldn't I be dead? Then a more important thought hit me. Where's BEN?!


Tears pricked the edges of my eyes as I cried silently. I had watched as BEN was shot dead. But didn't I get shot too? I remember the pain pretty vividly. I looked down at my stomach and lifted up my shirt, searching for any trace of a wound. There was nothing. I put my shirt back down and tried to figure out what happened.

I was just drinking some Sunny D when BEN came to me and told me to come back to bed. Then I went to bed after confessing to him that I loved him more than Sunny D. After that... I was standing in a clearing with a bunch of the pastas. What happened in between?

As I sat in thought, I felt something move beside me. I catapulted myself off the bed and tumbled onto the floor. After calming myself down, I cautiously looked up at whatever was on the bed. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was BEN.

I tackled him immediately and hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy that you are alive." I said, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. BEN shuffled for a few seconds before groaning. "Can I just sleep for 5 minutes before you wake me up again?" He asked, his voice still very groggy from being asleep.

"What do you mean BEN? Aren't you happy to see me? I was dead. I mean we were both dead." I said, staring at his form. BEN remained silent for a few moments before responding. "I don't know what drugs you're on- actually no wait- you probably had too much Sunny D. But (Y/N), it is 5am and I don't know about you but I need more than 3 hours of sleep to function." He said, shoving his face into his pillow.

"What are you talking about BEN? I don't- I don't understand." I asked, my stomach dropping. Then I almost punched myself in the face. "I'm a fucking idiot sandwich." I mumbled as I realized what was going on.

I had had one of my weird visions of the future.


The future!

If I didn't do something we were all going to die. Images of my friends' lifeless bodies made their way into my head as I stumbled out of bed. I quickly opened my drawers and threw on some random clothes. I slid on a (Favorite/Band) hoodie and some black jeans. I didn't even bother putting a shirt on underneath the hoodie because I didn't have time to mess around like that.

As I ran out of my room, I tied my hair up into a ponytail and searched for a pair of shoes. I ran up the basement steps and found a pair of my high top converse by the door. I slid them on and ran out of the house. BEN said it was 5am which meant the organization should be open.

I ran through the woods, leaves crunching under my feet every and made my way into town. Finally I got to where I needed to go and ran inside. The receptionist didn't even bother to look up. I raced to the elevator and got inside. That's when I saw my reflection. "Fuck." I muttered.

I wasn't in disguise. I shifted into my disguise right away and made my way to the lab. I knocked three times before walking in. Rick wasn't there though. It was only his assistant. "Uhhhh sorry what's your name again?" I asked him, scratching my neck in embarrassment. The boy looked up at me before a slight blush made its way across his cheeks.

"I-I'm Morty." He stuttered out. "Right. Right. Okay Morty, can you tell me where Rick is?" I asked kindly. "Uh- Rick is passed out right now." He told me. I sighed. I guess it was for the best though. This Morty kid would probably be easier to trick anyways.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now