Chapter 24

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A/N- This chapter is dedicated to @paygeywafflestealer because she made me smile 😊


Unknown POV:

It was sad for a lot of us. We all tried helping, but eventually, one by one, we all gave up hope. Except Jeff. Jeff kept searching and searching and searching. Some nights, he wouldn't sleep and he'd stay up, wandering the forest. I found him passed out from exhaustion several times, but I never yelled at him for it.

At first, none of us noticed it. But eventually, Jeff started skipping meals. He'd go out for longer periods of time and each time he'd come back with more blood on him. He hardly slept, and it was all really taking a toll on him. After three months, we confronted him about it, but he lashed out at us. After that, we left him to cope on his own.

It got to a point where even Jane felt bad for him. She'd try her best just to piss him off, but he'd just look at her sadly and then walk away. We knew we had to do something, but we didn't know what. Eventually, Slender just told us that Jeff would heal on his own.

After a year, Jeff finally gave up. Not completely, but he stopped searching. We all knew that deep down, Jeff still thought he was out there somewhere, but he just didn't have the energy to keep looking anymore. But he still believed that one day, he would come back.

Secretly, I hoped that he would find his way back too. He was Jeff's best friend and even though Jeff didn't act like it anymore, we all know he still misses him. Well, except maybe (Y/N). She's never met him before, and I doubt Jeff has told her about him, but maybe if he finally returns someday, she'll meet him. She seems like the kind of person he would get along with... then again I only met her once.

"Toby, we have a mission, let's go." Masky said to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I smiled widely and got up, instantly running over to him and poking him in the side until he gave me the details.

(Y/N)s POV:

It was odd. I had the weirdest feeling like I needed to go somewhere, but I didn't know where. I wasn't sure if I was just bored and I wanted to do something, or if there was some force pushing me to leave the house. I hadn't exactly gotten the best sleep these past few days, because I've been worrying about what I'm supposed to do about the crush I seem to have.

"Some fresh air might really help me out." I thought, finally deciding to get up. I slipped on a black hoodie and a pair of (F/C) converse. Then I pulled the hoodie over my face and quietly crept out of my room.

The house was silent, so I assumed everyone was asleep. I walked up the steps slowly, and then snuck out the front door. I took in a deep breath and smiled. "Ahhhh fresh air." I said, sighing happily. I decided to go for a walk.

I learned a while ago that if I imagined my clothes shifting forms too, then when I returned back to my original form, I would still have them on. This came in handy a lot. I shifted into a wolf and ran off into the woods. The wind rushed past me and I relished in the feeling of freedom. I hadn't realized how far I had gone, until I saw the lights of town.

Quietly, I shifted into a black cat and started walking around town. No one was really outside, but being a cat was better in case someone did see me. If they saw a wolf waltzing around town, they might freak out a little. I walked along the streets for a while until I happened to pass by a dark alleyway.

There was a man and what seemed to be a dog at the end of it, and I was planning to keep walking until I heard the man speaking. "We've had you for such a long time now, and you never cooperated in any of our experiments. We decided that your... condition... was just a random genetic problem and we decided to ignore it. But you kept running away, so it's your fault we had to punish you. We liked you, we really did, but when you fucking killed my brother, that was the last straw." I heard the man say.

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