Chapter 33

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I'm literally writing this in an airport

Uhhh dedicated to all my US readers


-Three Days Later-

(Y/N)s POV:

The house was ready. We were going to put two people in each room and then one person on each couch. BEN was going to sleep in my room, obviously. LJ was going to take the couch on the first floor and Clockwork would take the one in the basement. Jason the Toymaker and the Puppeteer were going to take BENs room although they were a little skeptical about it. That left Bloody Painter with Jeff and Sally with EJ. Well actually, EJ said he'd sleep in his lab so Sally could have his room to herself.

Everyone else was going to stay in whatever place the proxies could find. I sighed as I made my way to the organization building. Hopefully everything would work out but I still felt unsure. I walked in and met with Josh.

"(Y/N), how are you? Well whatever, lets just skip the small talk. Boss just informed me that he's been training people outside of the organization. He says he already gave them their powers or whatever. So now we have an army. But, I need to make sure you understand how important you are." He said, staring into my eyes.

It was weird to have him call me (Y/N), but as long as I used a disguise and he didn't find out who I actually was everything would be fine. "What do you mean?" I asked, sitting down. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Now don't get mad, but you didn't exactly have a normal surgery." He said, eyeing me cautiously. "Ah! You mean you injected me with an experimental serum that was supposed to give me multiple powers." I said, remembering the vision I had had days ago.

Josh stared at me in shock before slowly nodding his head. "I had a vision about it, no problem. But so far having visions is the only power I know of that I have." I explained, staring at the ceiling. Josh sat in thought and rubbed his chin.

"Welllllll we can do a few tests to try and find out what other powers you have but some of them could be potentially dangerous." He warned. I really wanted to find out what else I could do. "I'll do it." I said. Josh looked at me warily. "(Y/N), you're the only one we gave the serum to. Right now, you're our biggest asset." He explained, leaning back in his chair.

"Well I won't be much use to you if we don't know what it is that I do." I countered, glaring at him slightly. Josh nodded his head before sighing and standing up. "Okay follow me." He said, walking out of his office. He led me to one of the labs and spoke to one of the people there.

"Okay so you're going to step to the other side of that glass there and shut the door behind you. Rick here is going to administer some tests. If at any point you feel unsafe, tell us and we will let you out immediately." He said, nervously. I nodded my headband stepped to the other side of the glass. Then I shut the door behind me and took a deep breath.

The tests were terrible. There was fire, large rocks, water, you name it. I got injured several times but I refused to give up. I wanted, no, needed to know what powers I had. After three grueling hours of testing, we stopped. I let out a sigh of relief and exited. "So?" I asked, looking at Rick.

"Well I can't test everything but we have a pretty good idea now. It seems like you have advanced healing properties and water breathing." He said, typing some things into a computer. "Cool" I breathed out, glad that it was over with. I didn't really know what I'd do with these powers but it's whatever.

Josh led me back to his office so that we could talk some more. "Hey, Josh? I've been meaning to ask, who is our boss?" I questioned, hoping he would tell me. Josh sat down and stared at me. "Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you. None of us have met him in person. We don't even know his name. He communicates to us strictly by the phone. Supposedly, he's going to fight along side those of you going out." Josh said, closing his eyes and sighing.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now