Chapter 25

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A/N- I already have an idea for another story, but I don't know what pasta to make it about, please comment if you have any suggestions thanks!




She. Kissed. Me.

I couldn't believe it.

I kissed back immediately, wrapping my arms around her. After a few seconds, she backed away slightly, breathing in, trying to catch her breath. I smiled at her. "There's no going back now." I thought to myself. She looked up at me and smiled back, but then it disappeared.

"So-uh... now what?" She asked awkwardly. To be honest, I hadn't thought I would make it this far. I confessed, she kissed me, I kissed back. Did that make us something? If it did, then what were we? I thought for a few seconds, (Y/N) waiting patiently.

"I need to talk to Slender." I said finally, backing away from her. "Wait, you're going right now?" She asked in disbelief. I turned back to face her. "Yeah, I need to check on some things and then I'll come right back." I told her, leaving her room. She said goodbye and I crawled into the TV.

When I got to the mansion, things were actually pretty quiet for once. I wasn't sure if everyone was just asleep or if a few of us moving out actually did something to ease the chaos. "I didn't think this through very well, Slender may not even be awake." I thought, walking towards his office. I stood in front of the door for a few seconds. "Fuck! What am I supposed to say? I can't fuck this one up" I thought, desperately trying to think of something.

"Child, I know you're there. Please, come in." Slender said from inside. I jumped at the sound of his voice and sighed in defeat. I opened the door and walked in slowly, shutting the door silently behind me. "Uh- yes Slender, I'm here." I said, not sure what to say. "What did you come here for?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. I took a deep breath in. Here goes nothing.

"Okay, lets just say that hypothetically, a pasta develops feelings for another pasta. Annnddd hypothetically the other pasta feels the same way. Uh- it's not me, I'm... asking for a friend! But how would you feel if- hypothetically speaking- those two pastas ohhhh I dunno, got together?" I asked, my voice becoming squeaky at the end. Slender stared at me silently for a few minutes. I avoided looking at his face.

"Well... it would depend on the situation and what pastas were involved. I definitely would not allow Jeffrey and Jane to become a couple because that would end very very badly. And I wouldn't want any irresponsible pastas in a relationship, because they might become distracted from their work, or mess up the relationship, causing tension. So I suppose what I'm saying, is, who would these two pastas be? Uh- hypothetically- like you said." Slender explained to me, looking at me for an answer.

"Fuck" I thought in my head. "Uh- wellll- let's just say it were- *cough* me and (Y/N) *cough* hypothetically?" I stuttered out, looking at anything but Slender face. He didn't respond but instead, he rested his head on his hand and became lost in his thoughts.

"Do you have feelings for (Y/N)?" Slender asked after a few minutes. I sucked in a breath of air, trying to prepare a lie or an excuse in my head. "Do not lie to me Benjamin." Slender said, threateningly. I sighed. "Well, yeah... I might kind of sort of have some pretty intense feelings for her..." I said, trailing off.

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