Chapter 20

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I made it back to the mansion without many problems. In fact, by the time I got there I was starting to get used to being a fox... kinda. I was glad that the spell Jeff put on me still worked now that I was a fox but then I realized I had no way of getting in the mansion.

I walked around it, trying to find any holes I could fit into, but there were none. "The one time I actually want the place to be worn out and it's not." I thought. I made my way back to the front of the mansion and tried to come up with a new idea. "Oh I know." I thought backing away from the door.

I sprinted towards the door and body slammed it as hard as I could. "Ouch." I thought, wincing a little. It took a few seconds, but someone finally came to the door. It was Masky. He looked around confused for a bit, and I took that as my chance to enter the house. Sadly, he noticed.

"Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" He shouted, following after me. "Guys! There's a fox in the house!" He said, alerting the others of my presence. "Greaaaat. Just greaaaat." I thought, attempting to run away from him. "Hey, get back here! I don't even know how you could see this place!" He shouted, running after me.

Toby had heard Maskys shout and now he was chasing after me too. This had caught the attention of Hoodie who also decided to join in.  I raced towards Slenders office and luckily the door was open. Inside, was Slender and Sally.

Just as I got inside the office, Toby grabbed me. "G-gotcha!" He shouted in victory. Slender and Sally looked over at us before Sally squealed. "Omg it's a fox! It's so prettyyyy!" She gushed, running over to Toby. I fought against his hold and managed to squirm out, running towards Slender and hiding behind him.

Sally followed me and began petting me.... it was the weirdest feeling. Chills ran down my back and at first I didn't like the feeling at all, but after a few seconds it was soothing. However, that stopped when Masky started talking.

"Sally get away from that! It could have a disease or something!" Masky warned. Sally gasped and backed away, looking up at Slender. I growled at Masky for saying I might have a disease. "Guys it's me! It's (Y/N)!" I tried saying, but sadly just like before, only a fox sound came out.

Slender looked down at me from his chair and I looked up at him with the best starry fox eyes I could muster. "Pleaseee Slender, it's me (Y/N)! I- I don't know what happened. I really hope you can hear me right now." I thought, desperate for his help. Slender tilted his head to the side before looking back at the others in the room.

"Do not fret, children. This fox, is actually (Y/N)." He explained. The others gasped before they all instantly apologized to me. I mentally laughed at that. I recounted the events that had led up to this to Slender, hoping he'd know how to change me back. "It seems that all you need to do is to imagine yourself as whatever you want to become and you will become it." He explained, a hint of fascination in his voice.

I nodded, but then the thought hit me. "What if when I turn back, I don't have clothes?! I just realized that when I became a fox, all my clothes were in a pile on the ground!" I thought. Slender once again tilted his head at me, before asking Sally to go get Jane. They entered the room a few minutes later.

"Jane, (Y/N) has shapeshifted into a fox, but she can't change back yet, because if she did, she would have no clothes. Could you lend her some of yours?" He asked. "Yeah sure, I owe her one for getting rid of Jeff for me. C'mon (Y/N), I'll take you to my room." She said, motioning me to follow her.

She led me to her room and set an outfit on one of the beds. "I'll just leave this here. I'm going to go back to the living room now, when you're done make sure the door is shut. Clocky doesn't like when I leave it open." Jane said, walking out of the room and shutting the door.

"Okay, I can do this. Imagine myself as what I want to become." I thought. I imagined myself. (H/L), (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and (S/C) skin. I winced as my bones seemingly began to crack and move to other places. It wasn't necessarily painful, but rather just really really uncomfortable. My paws slowly became hands and in a few moments, i was back to normal.

"Ahhh I feel so much better now. And I'm glad I thought about the clothes thing because I am definitely naked right now." I thought. I looked at the bed to see what clothes Jane had left me. There was a red adventure time t-shirt, some black leggings, a black and white nike sports bra, and a pair of boy-short style underwear that looked more like tight booty shorts to me. I got dressed and stood up.

"It's so good to be me again." I said, smiling as I heard my own voice. I walked out of the room, turning off the light and shutting the door. Then I walked down the stairs and to the living room. Jane was on the couch watching TV. "Hey Jane, thanks for the clothes, I'll wash them when I get home and bring them back to you as soon as I can." I said, standing behind her. "It's okay, you can just keep 'em." She said with a wave of her hand. I thanked her once again and decided to search for BEN.

I walked upstairs and to his room, then I knocked on the door. He opened it a few seconds later and welcomed me in. "Hey, (Y/N) back so soon?" He asked. "Yeah.... about that." I started. Then I told him the story of how I became a fox, the others chasing me around, and becoming human again. "That's so sick!" He said, clearly impressed.

I looked his room which seemed kind of empty. A lot of his stuff was in boxes and it seemed all that was left was his TV, a few gaming consoles, and the rest of his furniture. "Oh yeah, I need to ask you. Soooo what room am I going to be in?" He asked. "Well since I've known you the longest, I'll let you have first pick." I said. BEN smiled, before it turned into a mischievous grin. "Soooo can I sleep in your room then?" He asked, still grinning.

"No. You sleep in your room and I'll sleep in mine." I said, glaring at him. He laughed and then picked up a box. "Okay I'll decide what room I want once I've looked at the options. For now, help me move some of these boxes through the TV." He said. I picked up a box and we went through the TV.

BEN decided he wanted the room on the main floor so he could be "closer to the food" he explained. We moved all of his stuff and after a few hours, everything was in place. Since the guest room already had furniture, he left all his furniture back in the mansion, only taking the rest of his stuff. We switched out the comforter on the bed, replacing the old on with his own and the room was complete.

Over the next few days, BEN and I helped the other two move in as well. EJ chose my moms old room, since it was bigger and had its own bathroom, so Jeff was stuck with the other room. It felt nice not having an empty house and I was really looking forward to it.

"Hey guys, how about we celebrate all this by going on a kill?" I asked.

They all agreed.

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