Chapter 31

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Sorry for the late update!


He came out of nowhere it seemed. Or maybe it was the alley I had just walked past. Either way, I hadn't had enough time to sense he was there. In a flash, I was pulled into an alley and pushed against the wall. My attacker was a masked man wearing a black hoodie. He didn't look like any of the creepypastas, so I could only imagine who he could be.

My head ached from being shoved against the wall so roughly but I had to ignore it and figure out a way to get out of this. "What do you want?" I asked, struggling to escape his grip. "I want revenge." He answered, his voice deep and harsh. "Revenge for what?" I asked staring into his eyes. His mask looked to be just a black ski mask so I could only see his eyes and mouth. "The place you work for, they killed my son when he refused to join." The man said, reaching into his pocket.

"I'm sorry dude I had nothing to do with that. If you want revenge, you should find the guy who did it." I said, hoping to convince him. He shook his head. "The person who killed my son was murdered. You're the one they replaced her with. So I'll just kill you." He said grinning maliciously.

I remembered that I couldn't die, but I still didn't like pain. The first time I "died" I felt everything. I didn't want to go through that again. "Look dude, you don't know who you're messing with." I warned, peeking down the alley to see if anyone was watching. There was no one.

"Oh I know perfectly well who I'm messing with, Alyssa." He said. I scoffed at his use of my fake name. I shifted back into my true self and smiled at him. "Oh I'm not Alyssa. She died a long time ago." I said before kicking him where it would hurt the most. He keeled over in pain, but recovered quickly, standing up to face me.

"I don't care who you are, I'm still going to kill you." He said, pulling a knife out of his pocket. "Hey, tell me, what's your worst fear?" I asked, smiling as I read his mind. Being able to copy abilities was great, and I was sure glad I copied Slender's. His mind had gone blank for a second before I dug deeper. Oh. I felt kind of sad when I realized what his fear was. But then I realized how scary it made him.

"I have no fear because my greatest fear was losing my son." I heard as he got up off the ground and approached me. A man who had nothing to lose was the scariest opponent someone could face. He lunged at me and I just barely dodged it. I reached down to grab my knife but realized there was nothing there. "What the fuck?" I thought. Then it dawned on me that "Tyler" The lab coat guy must have taken it from me.

I rolled away from my attacker and searched my shoes for any knives but there were none. "Fuck." I said, dodging yet another attack. I had no weapon. "Wait I'm fucking stupid" I thought. I didn't need a weapon. Quickly I shifted my nails into claws and swung at the man trying to kill me. I managed to scratch his face but in doing so, he managed to stab me in the side of my stomach. "Ah fuck!" I shouted, holding the wound with my free hand.

I dived and flung myself behind the man, before wrapping my claws around his neck. He swung his knife but couldn't reach me. I squeezed his throat harder. Then the motherfucker did the sickest thing. He dislocated his arm and stabbed me in the shoulder. "What the fuck!" I shouted, cringing as I let go of his neck and held my shoulder.

He sickeningly popped his arm back into place and swung at me again. I rolled backwards and jumped up. Before I could lunge at the man again, his eyes widened, and I was too late to realize someone was behind me when I felt something bash me in the head and everything went black.

-le time skip-

I woke up in a unfamiliar room. The walls seemed to be falling apart and the floor had several holes in it. I was tied to a chair. Images of the masked man made their way into my mind and I instantly checked to see how bad my wounds were, but there were none. "I swear he stabbed me..." I mumbled, trailing off. I struggled against the rope before I realized I could just shapeshift out of it.

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