Chapter 35

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I'm going to start going back and telling y'all  at the top of each chapter how many references you can find in the chapter. So feel free to reread some chapters to find all the references! If the same reference is mentioned in more than one chapter, I'll only count it for the first one. 🙃

References: 1


The coffee shop was quite dark. The only light was the light peeking in through the windows at the front of the shop. People cowered in booths and under tables. One person was brave enough to try to escape out the door.

Wires were immediately wrapped around there neck and they were thrown across the room. Tae's eyes widened. His hold on me tightened. It seemed like he was trying to protect me. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't me who needed to be protected.

"BEN Drowned. You chose the wrong place to mess with people." Tae said, threateningly. I almost felt bad for him. He was oblivious. BEN chuckled darkly before turning his gaze to me. His eyes softened just a little before he growled and ripped me from Tae's grasp. He gently placed me in the corner of the room and turned back to Tae.

Tae lunged at BEN and tried tackling him but he just went through him, falling to the ground. "Idiot. I'm a fuckinggggg ghost bruh." BEN laughed at him, smiling confidently. Tae snarled before locking eyes with you. He turned back towards BEN and lunged. BEN shot a wire at him and he dodged it, grabbing on and swinging. BEN was tossed a couple feet away. I almost laughed at how weak Tae was.

BEN chuckled demonically before using his wires to quickly kill everyone in the cafe. Some were electrocuted and others were just strangled. Tae gasped before he turned towards you worriedly. He visibly relaxed seeing you were fine.

"YoUvE mEt WItH a TeRrIBlE fATe HaVeNT yOu?" BEN said before he pierced Tae's chest with a wire. I sighed. "You're so extra. You didn't have to kill everyone in the shop." I said, standing up and walking towards him.

"They were just sitting idly by as someone tried stealing my girl." He growled out. "Awww is Benny jealous?" I teased, smiling at him as I wrapped my arms around him. He quickly hugged me back. "He touched what was mine." BEN simply replied. "Maybe I wouldn't have killed him if he hadn't kissed you." He said gripping tighter onto me.

I laughed. "You knocked out the cameras right?" I asked, looking around the shop. BEN nodded his head, letting go of me. "Don't worry, no witnesses." He said proudly. I swiftly knocked him on the head. "Now I have to give the organization an excuse as to how I somehow survived an attack that Tae didn't nor did anyone else." I chided him. BEN poured cutely. "Sorryyyyyyy." He said. I sighed. I couldn't stay mad at him. I'd find an excuse.

"Quick. Help me cover myself in blood." I ordered. "Gladly." BEN grinned. I glared at him.

Ten minutes later and I was covered in blood and dialing Joshs number. "Hello?" Came his voice from the phone. "Josh you gotta come quick. One of the pastas attacked Tae and I. I-I don't know if he's alive or not. I got knocked out and ended up under a table. All I can see is blood right now and dead bodies. I don't see Tae. I- please Josh, you gotta send someone to come here. I don't know if the pasta is still here or not." I whispered into the phone, faking terror.

BEN was clearly trying to hold back a laugh at my acting. Josh asked where I was and said he'd send people over immediately. He told me to stay on the line but I hung up. "Oops." I said, smiling at BEN. He chuckled.

"You better get going. There's gonna be people here any minute." I told BEN. He sighed before pulling me into a kiss and disappearing into my phone. After he was gone I slid under a table and huddled there, doing my best to stay out of sight.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now