Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up to my head pounding. The second I opened my eyes it got worse. I grabbed my head in agony, squinting my eyes, and got out of bed. I trudged slowly to my bathroom and walked inside, staring at myself in the mirror.
What happened last night?


"Is that- is that blood?" I thought in horror, looking at myself more intensely. I looked away from the mirror and down to my clothes. I was wearing the same outfit I had on yesterday, but my (F/C) hoodie and black jeans were now stained with blood. What the fuck happened?

My head throbbed even harder and I winced in pain. I held it with one hand as I used the other to search my cabinets for some sort of pain reliever. "Aha" I whispered in satisfaction. I popped open the small pill bottle and shook two pills out, popping them into my mouth instantly. "This better kick in soon" I thought, wincing at yet another painful throb.

My memories of last night were very blurry for some reason. All I could remember was faint yelling... and the stench of alcohol. Did BEN take me on a kill? I looked down at my messy clothes once again and that's when the foul odor hit me. "Omfg I smell like a raccoon fucked a trash can" I cringed, holding my nose.

With a sigh, I shrugged off my clothes and turned on the shower. "I think I need a nice hot shower to help clear my thoughts and get rid of this terrible smell" I said to myself. Once all my clothes were off, I tested the water with my hand and got in.

I relaxed almost instantly. The hot water beating against my back relieved all the stress that had taken over since I woke up. I let out a deep breath and began washing the stench of blood from myself. The water turned a pale red from the blood that had made its way onto my skin and hair and I mentally scrubbed harder.

Then I washed my hair quickly with shampoo and conditioner and used my favorite body wash. I stood in the shower for a bit longer, just enjoying it, before I turned off the water and got out. I wrapped a (F/C) towel around myself and dried off as quick as I could.

After that, I left the bathroom and entered my room (still in a towel of course). I walked over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes. I had an old T-shirt and some skinny jeans. I also grabbed a (2nd/F/C) hoodie and got dressed. After that I went back into the bathroom and brushed my hair, putting it up into a ponytail.

As the fog cleared on the mirror I was able to get a better look at myself. "I look like shit." I said out loud. There were slight bags under my eyes and I just seemed overall beaten down. I sighed before stepping out of the bathroom and jumping onto my bed, face planting.

"Ughhhhhhh!" I shouted into the pillows. My headache was finally gone so my head felt clearer. I tried remembering what happened last night but nothing came to mind. "I guess I'll ask BEN." I said, getting out of bed.

But I was not expecting what I saw when I left my room.

There in front of me, was BEN, sprawled out on my couch, shirtless, and quietly snoring. My mouth hung open slightly and I tried to avoid looking at his chest. He looked so peaceful when he slept. I sighed, knowing I'd have to wake him up in order to get answers.

I walked over to him and paused. "I just gotta burn this image into my head first" I thought, staring at him for a few seconds. "BEN, hey BEN, wake up." I said calmly, but he didn't wake up. "BEN. BEN!" I said trying to be louder, but he still didnt wake up. "Omfg that's it." I said. "BEN! WAKE UP! WE NEED TO TALK!" I shouted, shaking him.

"Wha- (Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. I mentally laughed at how cute he looked but shook the thoughts out of my head. "What happened last night?" I asked impatiently. "What do you mean?" He replied, looking at me confused. "I uh... I don't remember anything from last night. I woke up with a pounding headache and blood all over my clothes. What the hell happened?" I asked, trying to sound intimidating.

"(Y/N)..." BEN said trailing off. "It was crazy. I don't know how to explain it. I was hoping to ask you the same thing." He said, staring at me, waiting for a reaction. "What do you mean BEN? What happened?" I asked, concerned. He sighed, before looking at me for a few seconds, as if debating what to say.

"You killed someone. You- you stabbed him 37 times in the chest." BEN said cautiously, analyzing my face. "What? No... I wouldn't kill someone. Are you sure... are you sure they're dead?" I asked in disbelief. "(Y/N), you stabbed him 37 times in the chest. That kills people." He deadpanned. "No... but, why? Why did I k-kill someone? What happened? Did they try to hurt me? I don't- I don't understand." I said, my thoughts all over the place.

"We went to a house because I needed to let off some steam. When we got there there were beer bottles and stuff everywhere. Then there were people shouting. We got to the room the voices were coming from and as usual you hid in a corner. Well there was a guy and his wife and the guy was reallllyyyy drunk. He said he was gonna finish with her before he dealt with me. But the woman, she was badly hurt and before I knew it, you were all up on the guy. You'd grabbed a broken beer bottle and stabbed him with it a few times, before you picked up the knife he dropped and continued to stab him. It was crazy. You just kept going even after he was dead. I almost didn't recognize you..." BEN explained, trailing off.

"Oh my god. I- I killed someone." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. Then, suddenly all of my memories came back. Me telling BEN we had to do something. Standing in the corner with wide eyes as the man shouted at his wife. Attacking him. BEN pulling me away. Crying into BENS chest. It all came back to me. And the worst part....

I no longer felt bad about killing a guy.

"BEN what's wrong with me?" I cried. "I killed a man! And- and I don't feel bad about it! I don't feel guilty!" I cried, falling onto the couch next to BEN. "You don't feel guilty? Hmm... well (Y/N), he did kind of deserve it..." BEN said, almost in thought.

"Right... right. He deserved it. So it's okay. Yeah yeah... it's okay." I said, more to myself than to BEN. But there was something else bothering me. Something much worse than just killing a man.

"BEN?" I asked quietly. "What?" He responded, turning his attention to me. "I-I have this urge... to-to do it again... to k-kill again..." I said quietly, ashamed at who I've become. BEN stared at me wide-eyed, opening his mouth but then closing it again. "BEN? You don't... hate me do you?" I asked, scared of what he might say.

"No... I don't hate you. I've killed way more people than you have. It'd be stupid if I hated you for killing one guy. And I don't think you wanting to kill again is bad either. So what? You got a taste for blood and now you want more. There's nothing wrong with that." He said to me, trying to sound uplifting.

Deep down, I know killing isn't right. And I don't want to go out and kill a bunch of innocent people. No. After seeing how bad that man was, I wanted to rid the world of all people like him. I wanted to kill all the wrongdoers. The cheaters, the abusers, the rapists. I wanted them to die. Just like that man. I know it's a bit... violent... of me to think that, but I know it's not wrong. I'd be doing the world a favor.

I turned to BEN hesitantly. He was a killer. He could help me. "BEN? I want to become a killer like you... well maybe not exactly like you, but I want to kill all the bad people in this world just like that man." I said to BEN. He stared at me for a few moments before slowly nodding his head.

"Okay." Was all he said. "Okay? So you'll help me?" I said excitedly. "Yeah... I'll help you. This might benefit me too actually." He said to me. I smiled wide before I lunged at him, tackling him down onto the couch and hugging him. "Thank you thank you so much!" I said, hugging him tighter. Then I froze as I realized he still wasn't wearing a shirt.

I toppled backwards and fell off the couch. "Uh BEN?" I asked. BEN looked down at me from the couch. "Yeah?" He replied. "Could you uh... put a shirt on?" I asked awkwardly.

And then he laughed.

BEN put a shirt on and we began discussing how I'd become a killer.

And that's how it all began.

1610 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now