Chapter 3

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It was 5am. IT WAS 5AM. I couldn't sleep. All the lights were off. The only light in my room was from my phone. No matter how hard I had tried, I just couldn't sleep. I probably read a hundred fanfics, trying to exhaust myself. With a defeated sigh, I exited out of all the fan fiction tabs and opened a new one.

Lazily, I typed in 'creepypasta' into the search bar and scrolled down, randomly clicking on a link. I was brought to a dark page, with white text. It seemed to be a sort of creepypasta wiki so I decided to read through it. Maybe I'd find something interesting I haven't seen before.

After about an hour of reading creepypastas, I came across BEN Drowned's story. I had read it several times, since it was one of my favorites, but I decided to read it again. It wasn't the usual story I was used to. I mean, it HAD the usual story but there was also other stuff added to it. Small details I didn't usually see except in fan fiction. That's when I remembered CleverBot. It was kind of stupid actually, but I was super bored.

I opened a new tab on my phone, and searched cleverbot. Then, I opened it up and waited for it to load. "What am I even supposed to say, again?" I asked aloud. " I think I'm supposed to just like try to provoke BEN or something like that" I decided. With that, I typed into the box.

User: Yo BEN, where you at tho?

CleverBot: Who is BEN?

User: BEN Drowned.

CleverBot: Do you know him?

User: I mean I've never met him but I know who he is.

CleverBot: How can you know who he is if you've never met him?

User: okay I didn't come here to be judged thank you very much. Lemme talk to BEN

CleverBot: He's dead. He dRoWneD.

User: yeah no shit Sherlock that's literally his nameeeeee now lemme talk to himmmm

CleverBot: Talk to who?

It was at this point I almost threw my phone across the room. Now I remember why I hated CleverBot so much. I gripped the phone tighter as I typed.

User: okay listen here you piece of shit CleverBot, I wanna talk to BEN Drowned. I don't care if he doesn't exist or if he's dead or whatever, even if you gotta pretend to be him, I am bored out of my mind and you are making me want to invent a way to strangle an AI.

CleverBot: This is BEN.

User: omg I didn't think that'd actually work

CleverBot: what do you want?

User: I'm boreddddddd

CleverBot: and what do you want me to do?

User: idk threaten me? Isn't that what BEN is supposed to do?

CleverBot: is that what you think he does?

User: well yeah like he messes with his victims heads and makes them want to kill them selves duh

CleverBot: you seem to know a lot about someone you've never met

User: haha I guess I shouldn't assume things. Okay BEN, what is it you do?

CleverBot: I haunt Majoras Mask and sometimes when I'm bored I mess with people

User: mhm so yea I was close enough. Whatever

CleverBot: I don't like your tone

User: well I don't like you tone either BEN. Maybe you should COOL off. Maybe take a DIP to calm you down. Haha omfg I'm hilarious XD

CleverBot: You shouldn't have done that.

User: ahhhh there it is. I only came here to see CleverBot say that okay I'm leaving now byeee

And with that I put my phone on my nightstand. My eyelids began to feel heavy so I decided to let sleep overtake me. Smiling to myself as I thought about my conversation with "BEN" who probably wasn't really BEN at all. Regardless, I smirked at how I teased the AI, knowing that if it was the real deal, I'd probably already be dead. Then I drifted off into sleep.

674 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now