Chapter 19

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A/N: Thanks for 300+ reads! As a thank you, I'll be doing a double update! Enjoy~


BEN and I played some games for a while before I decided to get his opinion on something. "Hey BEN, what's it like to live here?" I asked, turning away from the screen to look at him. BEN stared at the screen for a few seconds before sighing and pausing the game.

"I'll be totally honest with you. It sucks. I know a lot of the fan girls dream about living here but not even most of us pastas want to live here. A lot of us have to share a room with someone and we don't usually get to choose who that is. As much as Slender tries to make us, no one ever really cleans. There seems to be a fight about something every day and that results in the house getting even more damaged. No one here likes grocery shopping, so all the food we have is whatever we decide to steal on missions. Because there's so many of us it feels really cramped and I mean I could keep going on but I think you get it." BEN ranted.

I nodded my head before rolling off the bean bag and laying on the floor. There's gotta be something I can do. I thought for a few minutes before an idea came to me. I sprung up off the ground and shouted "BEN I have to go talk to Slender!" before running out of his room and to Slenders office.

I knocked on the door gently three times before Slender told me to come in. I walked in silently and shut the door behind me, then I sat down in one of the chairs. "Sir, I've been told that I would have to move in now that I'm a pasta like the rest of you. But from what I've heard, it's not exactly the best living here. From what I know about you, you really don't like the idea of any of us going off to live on our own, so you wouldn't let me live alone either. So hear me out: I don't have any family left except my dad who doesn't want anything to do with me and lives who knows where. Before I became a pasta, I was the only person living in a large house. I'm proposing that you allow me, and a few other pastas live in my house. This would give you more space in the mansion and hopefully ease some of the chaos. Also, I don't live far so checking in wouldn't be a problem. Lastly, I wouldn't be alone because I'd have others living with me too." I finished, taking a deep breath and hoping Slender would agree.

He didn't respond for a while. Minutes passed by in awkward silence before he finally said something. "Alright. I will allow you to do this. But who will you take with you?" He asked. I jumped out of my seat and ran around Slenders desk enveloping him in a bone crushing hug. "Thank you thank you! You won't regret this!" I cried out, before I realized what I had done. "Oh-uh sorry, sir. It won't happen again." I said, letting go of him and backing away. Slender laughed.

"It's okay child. Please, don't call me sir anymore. Call me Slender. You're like a daughter to me, but don't tell the others." Slender said, playfully. I smiled at that. "Oh- uh also, I think I'll ask BEN, EJ, and Jeff it they'd like to come with me, if that's okay with you." I said, hoping he'd be okay with it.

"That's perfect. I was going to send EJ or Dr. Smiley with you either way so you have a doctor with you and taking Jeff with you would really help me with Jane." Slender said. I let out a breath of relief before nodding my head.

"But I have one final question for you, before you go." Slender said. "Sure, ask me anything." I said, smiling. "I can understand you wanting to have EJ, since you know him from your surgery. But you don't exactly have the best history with Jeff, and you don't even know BEN. So why them?" Slender asked. My smile dropped. I forgot we never told Slender about BEN and EJ training me!

"Oh- welll about that Slender. I guess I should probably come clean. Before I came here, BEN and EJ had been training me. At first, BEN was just taking me with him on kills to mess with my head before he planned to kill me, but then I kinda witnessed a guy abusing his wife so I went a little crazy and killed him. After that, I asked BEN to train me so I could keep killing. BEN got EJ to help and after that BEN would take me places so I could kill people without being tracked. Um this has been going on for a few months. But please don't be mad at BEN or EJ! If anything, be mad at me! And- uh as for Jeff, I want him to live with me because even though he tried to fight me, it was a lot of fun." I rambled, trying to get the words out as fast I could. I really hope Slender isn't mad at BEN or EJ. I'd feel really bad if they got in trouble because of me.

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