Chapter 8

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It's been about a week since my mom left. She gave me some money so I could buy food and whatever else I might need while she was gone. She also set up some rules I had to follow. "No parties, no boys, no talking to strangers, don't answer the door for anyone, keep everything locked, and make sure the house is clean when I get back" she had said to me.

With BEN "moving in" I was kinda already breaking one of those rules but I really didn't have a choice. It's not like I planned to break anymore of the rules anyways. I wasn't very social so I didn't talk to people and avoided talking to them as much as I could.

Mom left me her car so I could drive into town but she told me not to use it too much because she was afraid I would "crash into a tree or something". I'm 17 almost 18, I think I can manage not crashing into a tree. Moms.

We were beginning to run low on groceries, so I decided to run into town and get some. But I wasn't really looking forward to it. Getting groceries meant going into a store... full of people... and probably talking to some of said people. Gross.

The drive there was uneventful. Besides a bunny running into the road and jumping out of my way at the last possible second, not much happened. The forest was really pretty and I was starting to understand why Mom chose to live here. It was so peaceful.

I pulled up to the grocery store and got out of the car sluggishly. "Here I go" I sighed to myself, locking the car and making my way into the store. Did I mention it was like 8pm?

I was glad I decided to come here later though. There were much less people and the few people that were here seemed much to tired from long days to bother me. I grabbed a cart and stocked up on food. I smiled to myself as I bought some foods Mom normally wouldn't buy for me. And I might have also bought like 3 jugs of Sunny D. I really like Sunny D, okay?

After awkwardly buying the food and trying not to make eye contact with the cashier, I left the store. By now it was about 9pm and the streets seemed mostly empty of people. I relaxed in the darkness. I put the groceries in the car and got in, starting the engine, and leaving the parking lot.

Once I made it back home, I unloaded the groceries and put them away in the house. Afterwards I was very tired. I was going to sleep until a certain person decided to show up.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!! Where have you been? I tried looking for you and I couldn't find you! I thought you had tried running away." He explained. "Psh like I'd do that. I went to the store to get food, idiot." I said, walking past him and down into the basement.

"Oh, I see. Soooo you wanna play some video games?" He asked, following me into the basement. "Do I have a choice?" I sighed, turning to face him. "Nope." He said, popping the 'p' and plopping himself onto the couch. I sighed once again and hooked up the 64, putting a random game in, and sitting in my gaming chair.

—mini time skip—

"FUCK NO GO LEFT! GO LEFT! OMFG YOU IDIOT YOU JUST GOT ME KILLED!" I shouted at BEN, who was laughing hysterically. "How was I supposed to know he'd be hiding there?" He asked, still laughing. "YOU KNEW HE WAS THERE BUT YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING!" I shouted angrily, putting the controller down. "I'm done playing games with you. You just like seeing me get mad." I huffed. "Wellll, you're not wrong." He smirked, pausing for a moment. "Hey, I have an idea..." he said, mouth turning into a grin. "Oh no..." I mumbled. "I'm going to take you with me to kill one of my victims tonight." He smiled evilly.

I turned to better face him, and glared at him. "I don't have a choice do I ?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice. "Not at all! Now let's go!" He said, very cheerfully. "Ooo I can't wait for this! I bet the look on your face will be priceless when you see me kill!" He exclaimed, excited. I stood up and walking into my room, changing so I could be ready for whatever was about to happen. "This is going to suck." I mumbled.

775 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now