Chapter 10

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"Soooo what did you think?" BEN asked me expectantly as we got back to my house. I thought about it for a moment. I watched him kill someone. Two people. I winced as I remembered the look on the old woman's face as BEN ended her life. But for some reason, I wasn't as bothered as I'd thought I would be.

The guy he killed seemed like a real perv. I mean what kind of person has posters of half naked anime chicks in their room? A pervert. And he was like 30 and still living with his mom!

Although watching BEN kill the woman was slightly traumatizing as well... she also kind of deserved it. Don't get me wrong I was still very angry with BEN for killing these people and making me watch, but at the same time I kinda understood.

She shouldn't have been letting him take advantage of her kindness like that. He was a grown man and he should've been taking care of himself. I mentally slapped myself.

I've been spending too much time with BEN. I'm starting to come up with excuses for him. BEN didn't care that he was a pervert or that his mom was a pushover. BEN only cared about the kill. I guess I'm just trying to deal with my trauma by reasoning those people deserved it... but they didn't.

"Sooo?" BEN said impatiently. I turned to face him and realized I couldn't let him know how much it bothered me. "It was okay, I guess." I said casually, showing disinterest. "Okay? You weren't scared? You literally threw up after I killed the old lady." He deadpanned.

"Well it was my first time dealing with the stench of death!" I defended. "But after thinking eabout it, I'm not bothered that you killed them." I stated firmly. "Mhm sureee. Whatever helps you to sleep at night." He said, walking away.
I could tell that he knew I was lying. So much for that idea. I sighed and walked over to my TV, sitting down on the couch and staring mindlessly at the wall. BEN was definitely going to take me with him on a kill again. There was no getting out of it.

—le time skip—

Over the next few days, BEN took me out on a kill every night. I watched helplessly over and over as he killed innocent person after innocent person. He had several different methods of killing, I had realized. The first time he used wires. The second time he tortured his victims with electric shocks and then strangled them. Last night, he beat them again and again until I almost couldn't recognize them. Then he drowned one in the sink and the other he electrocuted in the bathtub. I couldn't erase the image of his grinning face as he killed all these people with so much joy.

At this point, I was almost numb to the killing. The first few times, yeah I cried. But after seeing so much death, I just couldn't cry anymore. I wanted to die. I just wanted BEN to get it over with and kill me. Would he drown me? Strangle me? I don't know. But watching him kill these people left me wondering.

I sat in bed, staring at the ceiling. Maybe if I killed myself i would be free. No... i still want to believe that this will all work out. Maybe I'll get lucky and someone will be strong enough to fight back... yeah maybe.

I have to be honest that when BEN isn't making me watch him murder people, he's actually a pretty great guy. He'll sit with me for hours and play video games as if he's known me for years. I've never had a friend like that. Jane didn't like video games. I wonder how Jane is doing without me.

Looking back, Jane was a real bitch. She told me how to act and how to dress. She pretended to care for me only when it benefitted her. She got jealous easily and every time I needed her she was never there. I can't believe I let her use me like that.

BEN was different. He was honest with me. He told me right from the beginning that he was gonna kill me. He never tried to hide it or deny it. Even so, he still treated me like a person. When we play games, he acts like he's not a crazy murderer. He just seems... human.

I'm not falling for him. Nope. Nope nope nope. I shook my head violently smacking myself in the face countless times. "Come onnn (Y/N)! Rule number one is don't fall in love!" I whispered angrily. "I'm just getting Stockholm syndrome or something that must be it. He's a killer! I can't fall for him!" I mumbled. I tossed and turned in bed thinking about it.

"But when he's not killing he acts so human. I almost feel like we're friends. He seems just like any other boy..." I trailed off. "NO!" I shouted. "He's not like any other boy. He's a cold blooded killer and I can't fall for him. If I fall for him I'll only feel a lot more betrayed in the end when he kills me." I decided, sitting up in bed.

"I need something to drink." I said, rubbing my face. I got out of bed and walked out of my room. BEN was passed out on the couch. Soft snores left his mouth and I couldn't help but to notice the tiny bit of drool running down his face. "No snap out of it (Y/N)! Get a hold of yourself!" I thought angrily.

I walked past his sleeping form and up the stairs. Once in the kitchen, I tore open the fridge angrily, glaring at the light as I grabbed a jug of Sunny D. "You're the only thing I care about..." I said lovingly to my favorite drink... Then I proceeded to violently open the lid and chug it right from the bottle.

I was angry. Not at BEN. Not at the Sunny D. But I was angry with myself. No matter how much I told myself I didn't like BEN and that he was just a killer, i couldn't help but to grow angrier. I was mad at myself because I was lying. I keep saying I don't have feelings for him, but I know that's not true.

I had a crush on BEN Drowned, the guy who was planning to kill me.

And the worst part was, I didn't mind the fact that one day he'd murder me... as long as it was him who did.

"So much for rule number one" I murmured to myself, drinking my Sunny D solemnly.

1134 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now