Chapter 22

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A/N: So I was thinking about actually ending the story at the last chapter and then perhaps starting another book that focuses more on (Y/N) and BEN, but then I realized that I can't really call this a BEN x reader if there isn't much that goes on between the two, so here you go.




"Um... how long were you guys watching me for?" (Y/N) asked as we walked back to our house. Man, it felt so weird saying that. Our house. "BEN came down the steps and told me your dad was there, so we decided to watch the drama." Jeff said, nonchalantly. "And I never actually left, I just hid so you didn't see me." EJ added in.

"Wow I'm so glad to know that I can get sooo much privacy in the house." (Y/N) said sarcastically. "Hey we might not leave you alone that much, but you love us." I said teasingly, wrapping my arm around her shoulder as we walked. EJ gave me a strange look, but he didn't say anything.

"Yeah I guess I do love you guys. You're all like the best friends I never had." She said, smiling. I felt a pang in my chest when she said the words 'friends' but I didn't know why. "I hope I'm not having heart problems or something... I'll have to talk to EJ when we get back." I thought to myself.

"Hey BEN, I've been meaning to ask you something." (Y/N) said, turning her head towards me. "What?" I asked. "Well... you remember how I kinda sorta read a lot of creepypasta stories and that's how I knew who you guys were? Well... in some of the fan fictions you were like always a perv..." she began. "Let me stop you right there." I said laughing.

"I don't know why all these fanfics make me a perv. I mean sureeeee I can be a little dirty minded sometimes but I'm a guy. Literally all guys have those thoughts sometimes. I think those fanfic authors are just being sexist." I huffed, fake pouting. She giggled before ruffling my hair and then turning away to admire the forest. "She's lucky she's a good friend or else I wouldn't have let her do that to me." I thought.

"Hey, (Y/N)? I just thought of something." Jeff said, staring at her. "You said you used to read fan fictions about creepypasta, but you never said what kind..." he trailed off, eyeing her mischievously. (Y/N) instantly started to blush which grabbed my attention. "Yeah you're right Jeff, she hasn't told us what kind of fanfics she used to read." I said teasingly.

"So (Y/N), what did you read?" Jeff said, slowly walking closer to (Y/N). Her face was bright red and her mouth kept opening and closing, but no words came out. "I- uh- um- I need to go!" She stuttered out before pulling herself away from me and running. Jeff and I looked at each other with wide grins before chasing after her. Before we got too far, I swear I head EJ mumble "Those idiots" or something like that.

Jeff and I were gaining on (Y/N). She turned her head back and screamed when she saw how close we were. Jeff and I both laughed as we started running faster. (Y/N) turned sharply and tried to lose us. She was now a little farther ahead of us, but still close enough to see her. She looked back once more before she turned sharply again. Except this time, when Jeff and I turned after her, she was gone.

"What the fuck?" Jeff mumbled, looking around. "Fuck, I think she shapeshifted or something to get away from us." I said, trying to see if anything was around. "Well, if I know anything about (Y/N), she's either hiding nearby or she went back to the house to hide in her room." I said, facing Jeff.

"I'll go check the house, you can search for her out here." Jeff said, running in the direction of the house. "Idiot." I mumbled, watching as he disappeared into the bushes. "Okay, (Y/N), I know you're here. You might as well come out." I said, turning around.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now