Chapter 30

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I realized that I don't actually drink that much Sunny D so I went out and bought a jug 😂

Anyways enjoy~


I walked home soaked in blood. My clothes were dripping with it and I was starting to regret turning human again after mauling those people. "Ughhhhh." I complained, walking faster. I finally made it home and immediately headed for my bathroom.

The second I got into my bathroom, I stripped, turned on the water, and got in the shower. The water was so red and blood filled that it didn't even look like water. It was basically just blood. I scrubbed myself harshly, trying to get rid of every last bit. Then I put shampoo and conditioner in my hair, hoping the blood wouldn't stain it. Once I was satisfied, I turned off the water and got out.

I forgot to bring a towel into the bathroom with me, but luckily I kept spare towels in here just in case I forgot. I grabbed a towel and dried off before wrapping it around myself and walking into my room. "Hey I saw a trail of blood and I was concerned. You okay?" BEN asked, catching me off guard. "EEK! BEN IM FINE NOW GET OUT!" I shouted, pulling my towel tighter. BEN looked me up and down and then laughed.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." He smirked. I blushed hardly before pouting. "It's not the sameeee!" I complained, slowly walking over to him. He was sitting on my bed which was his first mistake. "Then why are you coming towards me? Hmmmm?" He teased. "Obviously you don't care you're just in a towel." He said, smiling. That was his second mistake.

Just as I was close to him I swiped a pillow from the bed and smacked him with it. "Now get out!" I shouted, hitting him again. "Fine fine I'll go. But you better tell me what happened when you get dressed." He said, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him. I sighed in relief before heading over to my dresser and grabbing some fresh clothes.

It was still fairly early, so I decided not to change into pajamas. Instead, I went with a casual outfit. I put on some black leggings, a grey crop top, and a green jacket. Then I slid on some shoes.

I picked up the old bloody clothes and brought them out of my room with me, dumping them in the washing machine and deciding to deal with them later

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I picked up the old bloody clothes and brought them out of my room with me, dumping them in the washing machine and deciding to deal with them later. BEN was sitting on the couch watching me. "Sooooo what happened?" He asked, curiously.

"I killed 6 people... as a bear..." I said trailing off. "What?! That's sick! I would've loved to have watched that." BEN said. "What else happened?" He asked. I explained to him going to the building and what it looked like and so on. Then I got to the part about the powers. "That sounds so sketchy. As far as I know, humans don't have the capability to do that. I think you should talk to Slender about that." He said, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Yeah I also need to talk to EJ to make sure it's safe for me to get another surgery." I said. BEN nodded his head and I headed up to EJs room. He wasn't there so I checked his lab. Bingo. "Hey EJ I gotta ask you a question." I said, walking towards him. "You're pregnant aren't you?" He deadpanned. "What?! No! I'm not pregnant I promise. It's about something else" I said, my face turning red.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now