Chapter 23

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It's kind of funny how this all started out as (Y/N)s dad coming over. And then she killed him and we were going to celebrate by going on a kill. But then Jeff and I messed it all up. But now, I'm glad we did.

In front of us, was (Y/N), in the kitchen, setting plates on the island. In front of the plates was an amazing looking cake. (Y/N) turned back around after grabbing another plate before she noticed us. Her eyes went wide and she jumped a little in surprise.

"I didn't think you guys would get out that fast! I'm sorry, lemme just grab some forks." She said, setting the plate down and turning back around to pull some forks out from a drawer. "Uhhh what is all this?" I asked.

"Oh that's right! I was saving this cake for a special occasion and uh I was planning on ditching you guys during our celebratory kill to come set everything up, but that kinda changed when you and Jeff started chasing me. So then I planned to lose you all in the forest but then EJ came home so I had to change my plan again. So I tied him up so I could go find you and Jeff, but I ran into Jeff on my way to find you, so I tied him up and hid him by a bush. Then I pretended to be EJ. I was planning to find you and tie you up before we got too close to the house but then Jeff ruined that soooooo then I tricked you guys and locked you in the attic. After that I raced back down here and set things up as fast as possible. Hehe" she laughed nervously at the end.

The three of us stood silently, staring at (Y/N) in awe, or maybe it was just me. I couldn't believe she went through all that just to have a surprise celebration for us. My heart warmed at the thought. I laughed, and walked over to (Y/N), engulfing her into a hug. She hugged back after a few seconds and silently I thanked her for everything.

Jeff and EJ came over and thanked her too. After that, we started eating the cake.

(Y/N)s POV:

At first, I was terrified that they were going to tackle me before I could explain myself. But luckily, I was able to explain everything. I smiled at I watched BEN, EJ and Jeff eat the cake. It was just a store bought one I had hid in the freezer, but I'm glad they still liked it. We laughed at how easy it was for me to trick them all.

After we finished the cake, we all decided to watch a movie in the basement. EJ made popcorn, I grabbed blankets and pillows, BEN grabbed drinks, and Jeff picked out a movie. EJ sat in the recliner and Jeff sprawled out on top of a beanbag on the floor. BEN and I took the couch.

Jeff had picked out a horror movie, which is pretty much what I should've expected. In the first ten minutes a bunch of people had already died. There was a lot of blood and gore. The movie practically screamed Jeff.

At some point during the movie, Jeff was too uncomfortable on the bean bag and moved onto the couch. But he decided to spread out and take up half of it, leaving BEN and I squished together at one end. I didn't mind, because I had been kind of cold earlier, even with a blanket, so having BEN close was helping.

BEN on the other hand seemed to be freezing. He was shaking and couldn't focus on the movie (A/N tsk tsk Y/N, I think you're making him nervous XD). I felt bad for him, so I threw half of the blanket I was under over him. "Stop freezing to death so I can enjoy the movie" I said, trying to be casual.

He nodded his head and after a few minutes he stopped shaking and focused on the movie. Sharing a blanket with him was really affecting me though, because now I was really warm. My eyes closed, but just as my head started falling, I jerked back awake and kept watching the movie. This continued for a few more minutes before BEN sighed.

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