Chapter 6

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After he so rudely kissed me without my consent he practically vanished into thin air... okay so maybe he didn't vanish but he snuck back down into my basement while I stood in shock and then vanished. Close enough. I don't even know why he kissed me. Like what the fuck? I don't even know how old he is! I mean sure he looks like he's my age but for all I know he could be like 90. I shuddered at the thought.

Then I realized the situation I was in. Omfg I'm basically in a fan fic. I let out a cry of pain and banged my head against the wall. "Why me? Why me? Why me?" I chanted over and over again. After banging my head against the wall for a few minutes, a thought came to me.

I'm not in some fan fic. This guy is going to kill me. But I can use what I know from the tons of fics I've read to maybe help me survive. I won't make the same mistakes as those other people. I smiled to myself. "Mistake #1: They always fall in love with the killer. He's gonna kill you sweetie so unless death is your kink you need to hit the road." I laughed .

Although he kissed me, I think i know him well enough to know he was just messing with my head. He's probably been killing for years now. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the first person he's done this too. Lure me into a false sense of security, make me believe I'm special, that he won't kill me, and then BANG, he kills me. Haha nope not me. Not today.

I walked down the steps and back into my room. I crawled under the covers (after checking that he wasn't hiding somewhere) and began to think. I need a plan to get out of this.

Creepypastas are real. Fuck. BENs going to kill me. I can't go to the police about this. They'll probably lock me up in a mental hospital. I'd be all over the news too. After those two girls stabbed their friend in the name of slenderman, the subject of creepypasta has been kind of tense. If I walk in and exclaim "they're real! BENs trying to kill me!" They'll never believe me.

In fact, no one will believe me. All I can really do is earn myself some extra time before I die. BENs smart. If I run away, he'll find me and kill me. If I play along with this, eventually he'll kill me. No matter what it'll end in my death. But maybe, just maybe, I can do something.

In most of the fanfics, the main character ends up becoming super strong or something and then he/she joins the creepypastas. Maybe i could do that... but then I'd have to become a killer. Don't get me wrong, there were times I had dreamed of it, but this isn't a dream. I'm not sure I can actually kill real people.

BENs going to make me watch as he kills. He's going to try to drive me insane. But he claims he'll grant my wish of knowing the real him. The BEN that isn't just part of a fanfiction. The BEN that someone didn't just make up a personality for. He's going to let me know the real him and maybe i can live on just a bit longer and I can keep prying deeper and deeper.

Maybe I can even prevent my inevitable death. I can become his friend. No... surely slenderman would kill me if he finds out a human is friends with a pasta. But it was worth a shot. I think I'll just have to wing this.

Lucky me.

633 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now