Chapter 28

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(Y/N)s POV:

I took a deep breath.

"BEN and I went to Janes house so I could kill her as you had asked. When we got there, we found her office. It looked like just another normal office but then I noticed a board covered in pictures. It was overflowing with images from crime scenes, all the dead bodies. There was string attached, connecting images in random spots. Then I looked at the center of the board. I didn't recognize the people in the center at first, but all the strings led to them. And then I realized it. These were pictures of all the pastas before they became pastas. If that didn't freak me out enough, when I went to kill Jane, she fought back. She had powers. Then she explained to me that she joined an organization. They hired her to gather information on the pastas. Their goal is to prove our existence and wipe us out. Apparently they were planning on hiring me, but then I moved." I explained to Slender, trying to gauge his reaction.

He sat in silence for a few minutes, before he answered. "Do you have a picture of this board?" He asked. I shook my head lowly. "BEN and I were hurt pretty bad. I don't even know how we got back home to be honest." I told him. Slender nodded before silence consumed the room once again.

"Did they have a picture of you?" He finally asked. "No. Jane didn't even know I was a pasta until she saw me with BEN. She's dead now, so I doubt she managed to tell her organization about my involvement." I explained, finally deciding to sit down.

Slender sighed deeply before he faced me. "I want you to find a way to join this organization. Create a secret identity just in case they learn you're one of us. Gain their trust and gather as much information as you can. You're the only one I can entrust this to, seeing as they already know what everyone else looks like. You can shapeshift, however, so do it. I need you to find the person running this operation." Slender ordered, grabbing random files out of the filing cabinets.

Finally, he settled on one and slid it towards me. Inside was a picture of a girl and her information. It read:

Name: Alyssa Kelly Waters
Age: 19
Address: 1379 W. Sullivan St.
Info: Alyssa and her family were all found dead at their home residence on August 12th. No suspect was identified and the case was closed. The Police Department was ashamed of this and the death was never reported. All relatives of the family were told they moved and did not wish to have contact with anyone.

"Wow" was all I could say. "I want you to take on the identity of this girl. You don't need to copy her physical appearance, but I'd like you to keep the name, age, and address. I'll provide you with all the necessary documents you may need. Good luck." Slender said, handing me another folder and dismissing me.

"I guess I have to get started right away." I mumbled, leaving the office. I exited the mansion and made my way back home. Then I searched the house for BEN. "BENNNNN! Where are you?" I shouted in the house. Suddenly he was right behind me and I turned around before he could scare me. "There you are!" I exclaimed, capturing him into a hug. "I need you to take me back to Janes house." I muttered into his shirt.

"Okayyy" he sighed, reluctantly letting go of me and stepping back. BEN proceeded to walk into the living room and pull me into the TV. But after a few minutes, nothing happened. "Uhh, (Y/N)... it seems like Jane doesn't have any electronics in her apartment anymore." BEN said. "I'm gonna go into the apartment next to hers." He decided aloud. A few seconds later, my feet were on solid ground and I opened my eyes.

We were in an apartment very similar to Janes, except this one was almost entirely white. The furniture was white. The walls were white. Everything. Was. White. "My eyes hurt. Let's hurry up and get out of here." I said, walking towards the door I assumed was the exit. BEN followed behind me and we left. After that, BEN led me to Janes apartment. I twisted the handle, but it was locked. "Hold on a second" I said, shifting into an ant. I crawled under the door and made it through to the other side, then I shifted back to normal and unlocked the door.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now