Chapter 41

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I hope you guys know that I don't plan out chapters at all so every chapter I write is just me winging it XD

Also here's a conversation I had:
Them: how do I look?
Me: oh yeah you look great
Them: woahhh really
Me: look me in the eyes
Them: huh?
Me: look. Me. In. The. Eyes.
Them: okay but like do u actually think I look good or?
Me: Bruh. Everyone looks good when I'm not wearing my glasses.
Them: *dies*

Haha jk this didn't happen. Here's what actually happened

Me: *walks into the bathroom and looks in the mirror*
Me: oh shit whaddup I actually look decent for once what is this?
Me: *stares into mirror closer*
Me: oh wait I'm not wearing my glasses

But like I just find it funny how I thought I looked good when I wasn't wearing my glasses like I was basically blind XD




What's going on?


Oh that's right. We're in a war with Zalgo and his demons. Am I awake now? What should I do?

Suddenly I felt someone pulling me and leaning me against something hard. Who could it be? And what am I leaning on?

The person sighed. "(Y/N), everyone thinks you're dead... those fucking idiots. But... well maybe that's for the best right now. I-I don't want to say this but we aren't doing too good right now. Um... well there's no easy way to say this. Some of us won't be making it to tomorrow. When Zalgo shot you, he shot you with a normal bullet, thinking you were just a human we hired to infiltrate the organization or something. He didn't find your powers odd because a lot of the people there had powers. But... all those idiots thought he actually killed you because that's the kind of power Zalgo has. He can actually kill us. But when he kept calling you a mortal, I realized that you would survive this." The voice told me.

They paused for a second and I could hear the chaos of battle becoming more intense.

"Fuck. (Y/N) if you can hear me right now then wake up as soon as you can. We're dying out here. There's no way we can get to Zalgo unless someone sneaks up on him and right now, none of us can do that because he has eyes on all of us... except you. So please... wake up and end this war." They said, before I heard the dirt scraping and realized they had walked away.

What happened while I was out?

No... I couldn't waste time thinking about this.

I need to kill Zalgo.

I opened my eyes just a tiny bit so I could see my surroundings but it still looked like they were closed.

I scanned for anyone nearby but it seemed like everyone was off in the distance. Did I really get dragged this far?

Since no one could see me, I shapeshifted into a raccoon and smiled thinking about what Morty had said. I wonder if he's still alive...

Brushing those thoughts away, I snuck towards where the others were.

I need to think of a plan.

I can't just sneak up on Zalgo and stab him because that won't kill him. He's a creepypasta afterall. Hmm. Whoever was talking to me earlier mentioned he had the ability to actually kill us for good. I would assume his demons have that ability too. But... it'd have to be through some sort of weapon.

I scurried up a tree and looked down at everyone fighting.

It wasn't pretty.

We were clearly being overpowered by the crazy amount of demons.

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