Chapter 16

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Omg guys thanks so much for 200 reads! As a thanks, I've published this chapter that I wasn't going to publish until tomorrow. So you basically got a double update! I'd appreciate it if you voted for my story and left comments. It lets me know that you guys enjoy reading this and encourages me to continue writing. :D


Living without my mom was kind of weird. Normally, a 17 year old wouldn't be allowed to live on their own, but I guess because of my situation they allowed it. I'm turning 18 soon anyways. It still feels weird though.

When she died, she left everything to me. And apparently my mom had more money than I thought. I can probably live my entire life now without working. The house and the car are both paid for. All I have to pay for is gas and then the utilities for the house. The house felt so empty though.

BEN, EJ, and I have become pretty good friends. They've been training me for a few months now. In between training, I've been going out on kills. At some point, I even started bringing kidneys back for EJ. He appreciated it.

I haven't met any of the other creepypastas but BEN thinks that Slender will do something pretty soon, so I might meet some of them. In the mean time, BEN and EJ have been keeping my company.

We just finished a super tiring training session. I'm almost as skilled as EJ now. Almost. I flip down onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling before I get bored. "There's nothing to do." I complain out loud. Grunting, I roll out of bed and walk out of my room.

For a long time, I've been relying on BEN to take me places so that I can kill. It's a great tactic, because then it's hard to pinpoint me to any one location. But I feel bad that he's always coming along and not doing anything. So, I've decided to go into town and have some fun there.

"BEN, EJ, I'm gonna go into town real quick. I'll be back in like an hour." I said, about to walk up the stairs. "Why? Do you know what time it is? It's like super late." BEN said, not taking his eyes off the TV. I sighed. I guess I have to tell them. "I'm-uh- I'm gonna go on a kill." I said, nervously. "Can I come? I need some more kidneys." EJ asked, looking up. "Yeah sure, you can come." I say, not really minding.

EJ gets up and starts walking over to the steps when BEN suddenly jumps up and says "Wait! I'm coming too!" before rushing over to us. We all leave the house and get into the car. I drive the long distance to get into town before parking right on the edge of the woods. "Okay. We walk from here." I say, turning off the car and getting out.

BEN and EJ follow me as I walk further into town. I put my hood up and continue walking. The dark streets are only illuminated by dull lights, creating a creepy aura. But I don't mind. I enjoy the dark. Soon, I spot a fairly big house that looks like it probably has a lot of people living in it. I motion towards it and BEN and EJ nod their heads, following behind me.

This house is one of the houses that has an electronic lock system, meaning they can lock their doors from their phone. BEN is easily able to hack it and unlock the door, letting us inside. The house is dark, and everyone sounds like they're asleep. EJ sniffs the air.

"There's two in the basement, and four upstairs." He says after a moment. "I call dibs on basement!" I whisper shout. BEN huffs and together, him and EJ head upstairs. I smile in satisfaction before heading into the basement.

But then I get nervous.

I've never killed innocent people before! All the people I've killed have done something wrong! I stop, halfway down the stairs, and sit. I don't know what gave me the urge to come and kill. Usually I just wait for BEN to tell me I should go kill and then he takes me somewhere. But this was all my idea. I become lost in my thoughts for a few minutes before realizing something. No ones innocent. Everyone has done something wrong in their life. Whether it be cheating on a test, or lying, or murder. Everyone has done something wrong. "And people who make bad choices deserve to be punished." I whisper, venom in my voice.

I stand up and continue down the steps. I've wasted enough time sitting around. I need to get to killing. I enter the basement and sure enough, there are two people sleeping on couches just as EJ has said. "They must be visiting or something." I thought. Smiling, I walked over to the closest one and covered her mouth. She didn't react at first, but after a few seconds she woke up. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She shuffled a bit, then her eyes opened. I smiled mischievously before hopping over the couch and pinning her down. I would kill her quietly and then have my fun with the other person.

Before she could even try to scream, I pulled my knife out and slit her throat. She writhed for a few seconds before falling limp. Blood spewed out of her neck and onto me. I cut my "tears" into her then hopped off and made my way over to the other person.

This person was male, and he had blonde hair. I shook him violently to wake him up. "Sarah go away..." he mumbled. I giggled which woke him up. "You're not Sarah..." he said groggily. I laughed before I stabbed him in the arm. He screamed in pain, which caused me to cover his mouth. "Uh uh uh. You gotta be quiet so the neighbors don't wake up." I said, shaking my head. His eyes became even wider before I stabbed his leg. He screamed, but it was muffled by my hand. I laughed as he tried fighting me, but I was much stronger.

I decided to switch things up a bit, so I cut my signature "tears" into his face before I killed him and watched as his real tears mixed his blood. He was shaking and I wasn't sure if it was because he was scared, in a lot of pain, or both. Probably both. Then, with no warning, I stabbed him in the stomach with a blank face. "You're kinda boring." I said, with a bored expression. The man shook violently before he fell limp, but he was still alive.

I slit his throat with a final sigh before getting up. I cut out his kidneys and the kidneys of the girl. Then I checked for any trace that I might've been here, and smiled happily when I saw there was nothing. I walked up the stairs and met the guys in the living room. They both had a lot of blood on them. EJ held a large packet which I assumed had kidneys in it. I handed him the kidneys I took before walking out the door.

It was 5am by the time we got back to my house. EJ went back to the mansion and BEN decided to do the same. "We had a lot of fun today, (Y/N)." He said, smiling. "Yeah, I did too. We should do this more often." I said, smiling back. "Oh, (Y/N), you forgot to do the boot thing." BEN said, suddenly. I laughed, getting down and cutting two more notches into my boots. "I'm running out of space" I said, looking at the countless notches.

"That's a good thing. We think Slender might be considering sending someone to get you. We don't know when, but it'll probably be Masky, Hoodie, or Toby. Don't let them beat you up too much, okay?" He said, a hint of worry in his voice. "Pfft as if I'd let some guys I don't know beat me up." I laughed.

BEN and EJ left and I decided to go to bed. Walking into my room, I took off the bloodied clothes, and put on my pajamas. Then I slid into bed and fell asleep. Images of a certain someone filled my dreams.

1419 words

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