Chapter 5

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I live in the middle of nowhere. I have nowhere to run to, no one to help me. Even if I call the cops, they wouldn't get here in time. And I have a feeling BEN is smart enough to have already cut the phone line. My only option was to try to use my brains to get out of this.

"Aren't you going to scream and run away? I'm literally here to kill you." He eyed me confused. "No I'm not gonna freak out. I know you're here to kill me. I've kind of accepted that already. But there's just some things I want to know. That's all." I explained calmly. He looked at me, probably trying to figure out why I seemed so calm. "Okay fine" he sighed, giving in "what is it you want to know?" He asked.

"Well back when we were talking on CleverBot, I had mentioned the way you kill. And you explained that I was wrong. And again today, you said I was wrong when I said BEN is supposed to be short. It seems like there's a lot of misunderstanding here. I want to know what else I'm wrong about." I explained to him, hoping my intentions weren't obvious.

"I guess that makes sense." He sighed. "You're not like the other fan girls. It's like you know who I am. You know my story, but you're not blinded by some stupid thought that you're special or something so you think I won't kill you. You know I'm going to kill you and yet you're not even scared!" He said, anger building in his voice. "Are you suicidal or something?!" He asked.

"No I'm not suicidal. I guess you could just say I'm reasonable. Death is a natural part of life. I'm not scared of you killing me because I've already accepted the fact that you're gonna kill me. To be honest, you're probably the most humane out of all the killers. In the stories, you torment your victims until they can't take it anymore and kill themselves. But you never actually kill them. You let them make the choice themselves. At least that's what I had thought." I paused for a moment looking at him.

"But standing here in front of you now, I've realized that you're right. I'm wrong. I've never met you until now. I can't pretend like I know you because I really don't. Who knows maybe you drown all your victims. Let me be honest with you here. I know you're going to kill me, I told you that. And I told you I'm not scared of dying. But I am scared. I'm scared of what comes after death." I revealed to him.

I almost kind of regretted it. Telling a killer you were scared would only fuel their need to kill you. But at the same time, I didn't feel like it'd make him want to kill me anymore than he already did, if he did at all. He seemed really confused. This has clearly never happened to him before. I almost felt bad. But this might work for me.

He seemed to be in thought for a few minutes before his eyes jerked up at me and a sickly smile spread across his face. He had had some sort of idea and I didn't like where this was going.

"You said there's been a misunderstanding. You want to know what I'm really like." He chuckled darkly. "Well I'll show you. I'll take you with me. I'll make you watch as I kill my next victim. I'm not going to kill you right now. Or even in the next few days. No. I'm going to make you watch as I kill-" he took a step closer to me, "-and kill and kill and kill. And then when you least expect it, I'll kill you too. I'll grant you your wish. I'll let you find out who I truly am." He chuckled darkly again, closing the gap between the two of us. "And maybe I'll learn something about you too, (Y/N)" he smirked, before leaning in and putting his lips on mine.

695 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now