Chapter 39

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Have you ever gotten just a really really strong feeling of deja vu? A feeling that whatever it is you're doing in this moment is something you've already done? Well... that's how I felt right now.

I noticed Rick and his assistant passing out more guns. There weren't enough for everyone and a couple of people seemed upset about that. I slid the gun into a holster on my leg and tried to crack a smile. While no one was looking, I took it back out and subtly popped it open and looked inside.

A grin spread across my face when I saw the destruction I had caused. The gun hadn't been fixed. I put the cover back on and tucked the gun back into the holster. Then I peered at everyone below me. They didn't stand a chance against us creepypastas.




At least that's what I thought.

(A/N: what if I just ended it right here? Just said okay well I'm gonna take a break from wattpad for like three months, see you soon. XD)

-let's get to the action-

I rolled as I dodged enemy fire. It didn't take long for the organization to realize I wasn't shooting at the creepypastas. Another bullet whizzed past me as I quickly turned around and shot the source.

All around me my friends were caught up in their own battles. But we were winning. There were only so many people against us and they were dropping like flies. I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts as piercing pain spread through my arm. I had been shot. "Oh come on!" I shouted. Then I immediately dropped to the ground as another bullet came at me. I grit my teeth and tried to ignore the pain.

I shot at whoever was attacking me and made a quick escape. I vanished into the trees and climbed up one. Once I felt I was safe, I rolled up my sleeve and looked at the damage. "I can't do anything with a bullet in my arm like this." I mumbled. Then I did what any sane person probably wouldn't do. I ripped off a good chunk of my shirt and shoved the fabric into my mouth. Then I took a deep breath and pulled the bullet out. My teeth bit down onto the fabric so hard as I used all my strength not to let out a scream. Then a spit out the fabric and tied it around the wound.

The fabric of my white shirt quickly started becoming red, but I needed to ignore it. I heard gunfire from all around me, but it was beginning to fade. I hopped out of the tree and raced back to battle. I surveyed the scene as quick as possible. Jeff was down and his white hoodie was slowly becoming red, but I knew he'd be okay. It was just a normal bullet and he was immortal. A couple others were down too, but I knew they'd heal and be perfectly fine.

I wasn't concerned that we now had less fighters on our side because from the looks of it, we had almost won.

That's when I realized that the traitor still hadn't shown their face. My eyes widened as I quickly looked for Slender. I quietly raced towards him, but remained hidden. Once I got closer I studied the area around him. There was no one out of place. I let out a breath of relief.

"Can't you see that you are losing?! Most of your people have fallen and the rest will also fall. Reveal yourself and face defeat!" Slender suddenly shouted. All of us froze. Everything became silent. I held my breath. Then I heard a low chuckle from somewhere near me.

"Oh Slender. Slender. Slender. Slender. My people have not fallen. Those mortals mean nothing to me. They failed me. I shouldn't have trusted them to find technology that could kill immortals like us. But that was my mistake. It just proves that no mortal can go up against creepypastas like us." The voice spoke. I concealed my presence further. They were very close to me.

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