Chapter 37

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All of you are just so nice to me I'm crying 😭😭😭. I can't explain how much I appreciate y'all. Every day when I wake up, I open wattpad right away just to see all your comments and it makes me so happy! So if you're reading this note right now, I have a surprise for you! I've already begun writing some bonus chapters for after the story is done. If you have a request for one of those chapters, leave a comment! I love you guys so much! 💜


"Hey Slender, I just wanted to make sure you knew about these guns the organization has. They're supposed to be able to kill immortals and sadly I have a vision that it was true. I've worked out a plan to disarm that function on them, but even so, you need to warn the others. If they aren't good at dodging bullets, something bad might happen." I explained to Slender over the phone.

"Okay child. I'll have the others do some extra training. Tell me if your plan is successful or not." He replied. Then I remembered something else.

"Slender, I really don't wanna say it, but we really need to figure out who our traitor is... in my vision I saw a cloaked figure sneak up from behind you and kill you. It would really help us to know who that was." I told him, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

Even though he didn't show it, Slender cared for all of us like we were his children. The thought that one of us was betraying him was something he probably wasn't handling very well.

"I know child. Could you meet me at the safehouse so we can discuss this further?" He asked. I nodded my head before realizing he was on the phone. "Uh yeah of course! I'll be over as soon as I can!" I exclaimed. Then I ended the call.

I had been in the dining room talking to him, but luckily all the pastas living at my house were off doing their own things. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Please don't be empty." I pleaded as I opened the fridge.

It wasn't empty but there was no way I'd be able to eat what was inside. A rotten tomato, a bunch of salad dressings, and some bags of questionable meat. I sighed before I closed the fridge. Next I shuffled through the cabinets hoping to find something. All I found were some expired saltine crackers.

"I guess I need to go grocery shopping soon." I thought out loud. I walked out of the kitchen in defeat and made my way to the front door. Then I slid on some shoes and left.

The journey to the safehouse wasn't exactly a short one, but it also wasn't long enough to make me take the car. I walked through the forest, admiring the scenery, before I finally made it to the safehouse.

It really wasn't that extraordinary or anything but for a temporary shelter it worked. I made my way to the back of the house and found the cellar door. Slender had made it clear to us that if we entered through the front door, we'd just be entering an abandoned shack. I guess he did that to prevent nosy travelers from finding us.

The cellar door had a lock on it to prevent people from just barging in. Some of us pastas could just use our powers to get through it, but everyone else needed to alert whoever was home of their presence. Fortunately for me, I was one of the lucky ones.

I shapeshifted into a ladybug and squeezed myself in. I was too lazy to turn back into myself so I just made my way to Slenders makeshift office. I crawled under the door and made my way to one of the chairs. Then I shapeshifted back into myself.

"Hello." I said, startling Slender.

"Child you need to stop doing that." He replied. I only chuckled. "Anyways what do we need to discuss?" I asked, making myself comfortable in the chair. Slender sighed.

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