Chapter 42

9K 336 785

References: 2

I used to be able to write chapters in like 20 minutes and now it takes like an hour???

Also I can't even comprehend how many reads this has. 10k+ like howwwww????

Tbh I only wrote this book cuz a friend said her highest book had 4K reads and I was like well I gotta beat that now XD BUT THIS BOOK MEANS SO MUCH TO ME NOW I CANT EVEN

But I'm sad cuz it's ending soon ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

Wow okay I have a lot more to say

Sorry I missed an update! I just got some writers block that's all

Also! Are you a fan of Sunny D? Want to join a community of over Sunny D lovers? Well you're in luck! Join now at

And lastly idk if any of u noticed but I accidentally published this before I finished and then took it down hehe XD

Becoming ruler of the Underworld was easier than I thought it would be.

For one, I was taken to the Underworld where a sort of ritual was performed that made me like the official ruler. Apparently it also gave me powers but I don't really understand that part yet. One of the demons told me that basically it makes me really strong but I don't know.

Another thing is that all the demons talk to me really formally now and it's kind of weird. But anyways, after the ritual I was taken to a room that had a bunch of books in it.

Basically it was meant to be my "office" of sorts. I was introduced to the advisors and the ones who would be helping me to run the Underworld while I was gone.

It's turns out that I really don't have to do much. Maybe that's why Zalgo wanted to take over everything. He was probably bored. One demon explained that Zalgo was a very cruel leader and he'd often torture people for fun even if they were innocent.

That part confused me a little because isn't he supposed to torture people as ruler of the Underworld? Don't people get sent there to pay for their crimes or something? I guess it's a little more complicated than that.

I did get some cool benefits for becoming the ruler. For one, I got a super big, fancy castle place. But I think I'd rather keep living in my house with BEN and EJ. Another thing is I now have an army of demons if I ever need it. Or if I just need help with anything in general.

BEN won't shut up about the fact he's dating the ruler of the Underworld. He said if I'm the queen that basically makes him the king. I pushed him away and and laughed at him. It's not like we were married.

Anyways that's what happened after the "war" but now it's been a few weeks and everything is almost back to normal. All the extra pastas moved out of my house and back into the mansion and the organization ended up being shut down since most of their workers died.

I smiled contently as I drank my Sunny D. Everything seemed to be calming down for once and I honestly didn't know what to think of it.

I finished my Sunny D and cleaned everything up. Then I decided to go for a walk. I stopped myself once I reached the door though, and went into the basement instead. There, on the couch, was BEN playing some video game. I smiled as I saw the look of absolute focus on his face. His eyes had a spark of determination and his face was scrunched up just a tiny bit.

It was cute.




But cute things can't last.

I crept up behind him slowly, careful not to make a sound. My full attention was now on BEN and not whatever was happening on the screen. I took a deep breath and flung myself over the couch in an attempt to tackle him, but it was in that exact moment that BEN decided to turn himself back into a ghost and I ended up toppling onto the floor.

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