Chapter 14

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"Don't leave yourself open." BEN said, proceeding to punch me in the side. "Owww" I said, even though he didn't really hit me that hard. "When you go to punch someone like that, you also need to remember that they're not just gonna let you punch them. They'll look for an open spot to hit you back." BEN explained.

We had been training for over an hour now. BEN wasn't exactly the most experienced when it came to hand to hand. He mostly relied on wires and catching his victims off guard. Most of the time, he never really had to get that physical with him victims. However, BEN explained that he had learned a couple of things from watching the other pastas train.

"Channel your anger, (Y/N). Think about all the things that make you angry and use that to fuel your strength. You said you wanna kill bad people? Think of all those terrible people and the things they've done. Now imagine I'm one on them and fight me." BEN said to me.

I threw a punch at him, making sure I didn't leave my side open again and also backing away quickly before he could hit back. "Good! That was much better! We just need you to practice more so you can build up some strength." BEN encouraged. "I think you're ready for the next step." He said.

"What's that?" I asked, confused. We've already done a lot of training. Did he want me to go to a gym or something? No way was I going to a gym!

"You're going on a kill." He said dramatically. I thought about it for a few seconds, wondering if I was ready or not. "Well if BEN thinks I'm ready then I guess I am." I thought. So I looked at BEN and nodded my head.

But then my phone rang.

"Ah, I should probably answer this. It's my mom." I said to BEN. Then I answered it. "Hey mom, whats up?" I said. "Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?" Said an unfamiliar voice. "Uhh yes, this is her." I said, confused. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)... I'm a friend of your mothers from work. I- I was with her on the trip. But after a long meeting she wanted- she wanted to go for a drink but I was too tired so- so I went back to the hotel. (Y/N) I'm so sorry, she was murdered." The voice said, having trouble speaking.

"What? No... what do you mean she was murdered? How could this happen? It can't be true!" I said on the verge of tears. "She was walking home and someone followed her. At first- at first they just wanted her money but your mom- she fought back. But she wasn't strong enough... the guy- he had a knife on him and and your mother didn't stand a chance. I'm so sorry! I should've gone with her!" The voice cried.

My mom was always the kind not to go down without a fight. I smiled sadly. "Thank you for contacting me. Did they catch the guy?" I asked. A few seconds passed before I got an answer. "No... he managed to get away before the police came but someone saw him so they're working on identifying him. Oh! That's right, I also called because, the Japanese police want you to fly down and deal with some legal stuff." He said.

"They want me to what?" I asked, not believing it. "Yeah, I guess they need a relative of the deceased to sign some papers so they can- uh- so they can release the body. But they also need you because you're part of her will (A/N okay idk how much y'all know about this stuff but a will is basically something that says who gets someone's money and stuff when they die).

"Right, that makes sense. When do they want me to fly there? And how will I get a ticket?" I asked. "The ticket has already been bought, you're flying here the day after tomorrow. So pack your bags. You'll be here for three days." He said. "Okay, thanks again, bye." I said, hanging up the phone before he could respond.

"What's going on?" BEN asked concerned. That's all it took for me to break down. I ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug, crying me eyes out. "My- my mom... s-she's dead. Someone- someone killed h-her" I cried. BEN remained silent, but he hugged me back and rubbed circles into my back, comforting me.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now