Chapter 4

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It has been a few days since my encounter with "BEN" which was likely just CleverBot being weird. Since then, I've been trying to get my Majoras Mask game to work. I tried playing other games with the 64 and they all worked fine, so I knew the problem had to be the Majoras Mask game. Now I knowww it might sound stupid but I wasn't that surprised because I kind of did pick up the game next to a trash can behind a video game store. It was free who could blame me?

But a video game store wouldn't just throw out a perfectly good game, so I knew when I picked it up off the ground and slid it into my bag that day, that I was probably going to have a lot of trouble playing the game. But this is just ridiculous. Thanks to the constant glitches in the game, Link keeps dying. It's at a point where I don't even know why he's dying because there aren't any enemies trying to kill him. He's just walking around town and randomly dying!

I sighed in frustration and paused the game, getting out of my chair. "I'm gonna go eat some food and hope this freaking game fixes itself before I come back because I REALLY don't wanna go and buy a new one" I complained out loud. The game unpaused on its own and I  cried out in anger. Glaring at the screen I mumbled a "fuck you" before going up the stairs and into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge violently and pulled out the ingredients to make a sandwich. My mom wasn't home right now so that meant I could do whatever I felt like, which right now meant complaining out loud how stupid the game was. "I'm just trying to live my life here. And here comes this game being all... ah what's the word..." I trailed off finishing my sandwich. I took the precious food and brought it to the dining room, sitting down at the table and continuing my rant, talking with my mouth full. "I mean I GET that I got the game next to a dumpster but can it at least be broken in a way I can work with?!" A deep chuckle stopped me from continuing.

"YoU kNOw It's RUdE tO eAT wItH yOURr moUtH fULl, (Y/N)" said a voice coming from the top of the basement stairs. It almost sounded... glitchy? "What. The. Actual. Fuck." I said, turning my head towards the source. There in front of me was a guy, who looked to be about my age, dressed as Motherfucking Link. "YoU reAlLY sHoULdNt sWeAR" he said, tsking. I looked at him in annoyance and shock. He couldn't tell me what to do. And also omfg is this guy BEN Drowned?

"Who are you?" I asked calmly. "Also can you stop with the glitchy voice it's giving me a headache dude" I added in. "Wow I'm offended!" He said teasingly. "After that wonderful conversation we had I thought we had a connection!" He huffed. "Do I know you?" I asked, wondering why this guy, who looked like BEN Drowned, was in my house. "Oh my zalgo you're clueless. Totally clueless. It's me. I'm BEN Drowned." He deadpanned.

"Ah I see so you're like cosplaying as him. Well that's nice and all. Great job on the eyes by the way. It actually looks like they're bleeding! But uh you kinda broke into my house so can you like get out?" I asked nicely, standing up and grabbing my garbage nonchalantly.

"WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO YOU TO PROVE THAT IM BEN DROWNED?!" He shouted, clearly angered. I flinched slightly, throwing my trash away and walking back over to him. "You just don't look like him. I mean isn't he supposed to be like super short? Isn't he supposed to look like an elf or something?" I asked, not convinced this guy was actually BEN Drowned.

"An elf?! Who said I'm supposed to look like an elf? You crazy fan girls always jumping to conclusions." He muttered. "Hey I'm not a crazy fan girl. It's not like I have posters of you in my room or something. I just enjoy the stories." I explained, slightly offended.

—Quick change in POV—

BEN sighed. He'd never had this much trouble before. Most of the time people kind of freaked out when they saw a scary looking guy in their house with blood running down his face. But this chick, she didn't even seem slightly bothered.

—okay back to you—

The reality of the situation finally hit me. This guy is the real deal. I'm not sure whether I should be more concerned over the fact that creepypastas actually exist or that BEN Drowned is in my house and I'm home alone.

My heart sunk a little. I wasn't one of the fan girls who believed that when, or IF, they actually met a creepypasta they'd fall in love. That seemed kinda stupid. These guys were killers. Cold. Blooded. Killers. They didn't care if you were a fan girl or not. In their eyes, you were just another victim.

I'm not sure how I'm going to get out of this...

881 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now