Chapter 12

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A/N: THANKS SO MUCH FOR 100 READS!!! I can't believe this book has already gotten so many reads when I've only had it up for less than a week. Thanks so much guys!

Also here's some things you might need for the chapter:

(F/N)- food name; think of one you like
(F/A)- favorite animal
(F/C)- favorite color



She. Hugged. Me.

I wasn't expecting this at all. I thought that after I told her my background story, she'd think I was some kind of monster. That's what most people thought. It didn't bother me that people thought I was a monster though. But... for some reason I didn't want her to think I was one. Probably because I'd be living with her for a while... yeah.

I won't lie, I was really close to crying when I told her my story. Not many people really care about my past so I don't usually talk about it. Plus, I know if I talk about it I'll get all emotional and showing emotions isn't really something I wanna do in front of the other pastas, especially Jeff. He'd never leave me alone...

(Y/N) intrigued me. At first, I had planned to just kill her and move on to the next victim like I always did. But her reaction made me change my mind. No one had ever reacted that way towards me so it kind of caught me off guard. After that, I thought I'd lure her into a false sense of security and then kill her when she didn't expect it. But I couldn't do that for some reason.

I don't know why but for some reason I enjoy spending time with her. (Y/N) and I have a lot in common. We both like video games, (F/N), and even (F/A). I always find myself wanting to know more about her. But I don't know what this means. I think- i think I like her. Yeah... she's like a friend to me (A/N: oooo friendzonedd it's okay that'll change ;D).

Oh no that's not good. I was supposed to kill her! Not become friends with her! What will Slender do when he finds out? I'm dead. I mean I might already be dead but slender will surely find some way to torture me and he'll probably send someone to kill (Y/N). What have I gotten myself into?

To make things worse, the guys are starting to wonder where I've been spending most of my time. Even though they know I'm still killing, they haven't seen me around the mansion all that much. They're starting to get suspicious. I need to do something before one of them decides to find out where I've been going.

I sighed and got up from the couch. "Let's go on a kill." I said flatly. "Are- are you sure? I mean like are you... okay to go on one?" She asked me, unsure. It was kind of funny how she worried. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. After all this emotional shit I need to do something... not so emotional." I said, struggling to find the right words. "Oh... okay" she said quietly.

Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't tried avoiding going with me on a kill. I mean she hasn't even tried saying no. Most normal people would probably fight me saying they don't want to go and then I'd have to force them. But (Y/N), it's like she didn't care or something.

She got off the couch and walked into her room, shutting the door. I waited for her to come out patiently, guessing that she was just changing. A few minutes later, she came out wearing a (F/C) hoodie, black jeans, and (F/C) shoes. "Okay I'm ready" she said, shutting her door behind her.

I grabbed her hand, and walked into the TV. "Hmmm who to kill today?" I wondered. I decided just to travel to a random place and see where I ended up. After a few minutes I pulled myself and (Y/N) out of a TV. We were in a pretty beaten down house.

"This place looks abandoned" (Y/N) whispered to me quietly. "Well... there's still a TV here, so someone's gotta live here" I whispered back. We walked further into the room before I noticed something. There were empty beer bottles all over the place. And when I looked closer, I noticed some other alcoholic drinks too. "Great..." I thought in my head. I hated dealing with the alcoholics.

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