Chapter 18

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"Don't worry child, I'm not going to hurt you." Slender reassured me. "Ah that's a relief." I said, letting out a breath of air. "So then what do you want me for?" I asked, cautiously walking towards his desk.

"I'd like to recruit you and make you a creepypasta like us." Slender said. I already knew this was coming but it seemed sketchy. "What's the catch?" I asked, finally deciding to take a seat at one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"You'd have to leave all your friends and family behind, getting rid of all contact with them forever. Since you'd be working under me, you would also have to kill. That could mean I give you a number of people, and let you do the rest, or I give you a list. Lastly, you'd have to undergo a possibly painful 'procedure' so that we can fully make you one of us." Slender explained, waiting patiently for a response.

"Um... the procedure... what's that?" I asked, not exactly liking the word painful. "Becoming a creepypasta gives you a kind of 'temporary immortality' which means you can't be killed unless I revoke it. You can still be hurt though. The procedure is to, in a way, 'install' this immortality into you and also 'rewrite your genetics' in a sense. This means you'll receive the temporary immortality but there's also a chance of you getting some other new ability." Slender explained, seeming to try as best he could to make me understand.

"Why me?" I said, quietly. "You intrigue me. You've managed to kill people all over the world with seemingly no effort at all. The police can't even begin to guess who you are. Your style is also very unique. But what really convinced me was your fight with Jeffrey. I decided to send him after you, because I didn't quite know much about how strong you were, and I knew Jeffrey would attempt to fight you. But I was never expecting that you'd show up without a scratch and Jeffrey would be badly injured. Most of the pastas here can't even get one mark on him and yet here you come damaging him without hardly any effort. You're exceptionally strong, but you're also very smart. That's why I chose you." Slender seemed to rant on and on about me.

A small smile made its way onto my face, before I looked up at Slender. "Okay, I'll do it." I said. Slenderman seemed to visibly relax before he said "How soon would you like to do the procedure? It could take a few hours and it will most likely take you a few days to recover." I thought for a moment. I really didn't have any plans. "Can I just do it now and get it over with?" I asked. Slender chuckled.

"It will be nice to have a new face around here, especially someone with your personality. After the procedure, I'll have you introduced to everyone." Slender said, standing up. I stood up too and followed him out of the room.

The inside of the mansion seemed to be mostly red with dark wood accents. The wallpaper was peeling off of the walls in some places and in others it was badly stained. Slender led me down a long hallway, before leading me downstairs and into the basement.

He brought me to a metal door, and opened it to reveal what seemed to be a surgical room. Blood and dirt stained the white walls but other than that, the room seemed to be immaculately clean. Slender sat me down on the operating table, before calling for someone.

A few minutes later, EJ walked in. I let out a breath of relief. "I'm so glad it's EJ performing on me, I'm not sure if I could trust anyone else." I thought, relaxing. EJ seemed happy at my presence too, which put me in a much better mood.

He got to work right away, sending me off to change into an operating gown, and then laying me back on the table. He put a mask over my nose and mouth and before I knew it, I was out cold.

—time skippp—

I woke up feeling sore, but also somehow numb at the same time. I opened my eyes, but instantly regretted it, shutting them again after being blinded by the bright lights. This time, I opened them slowly and let my eyes adjust. "I feel off. Like somethings out of place. I mean I feel normal, but there's something different." I thought, sitting up slowly.

I was in a room similar to the one I fell asleep in, except this one was smaller and didn't have a bunch of operating tools. I was also in a much more comfortable bed. Just as I was about to get out of the bed Slender came in, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw me. "You shouldn't be awake yet... EJ said you'd be asleep for two days... it hasn't even been three hours since your operation." Slender said in disbelief and confusion.

I tilted my head to the side, almost like a puppy. "But I feel fine." I said, staring back at Slender. "Stay right there. I'm going to go find EJ to make sure nothing went wrong" Slender said, before rushing out of the room, leaving me alone. "Greaaaaat." I said flopping back down onto the bed.

A few moments later, EJ rushed into the room, carrying a bunch of medical supplies with him. He took my vitals, and made me do all these random things. But after all that, he said I was completely fine. "Soooo was the operation a success?" I asked, swinging my legs while sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yes, you should be immortal now, but let either me or Slender know if you notice any new abilities." He said, before helping me up and leading me out of the room.

"Hey, EJ? Am I gonna have to live here now?" I asked, mentally kicking myself for not asking someone that sooner. "I don't know. Probably. Slender makes everyone live here." EJ said, shrugging his shoulders. I mentally groaned. No offense to any of the pastas, but I kind of didn't want to live here.

EJ led me into the living room where a bunch of the pastas had been gathered. Slender walked over and stood next me, clearing his throat. "Everyone, this is (Y/N). She's the newest pasta and I expect you'll treat her nicely." Slender said, almost daring anyone to lay a finger on me. "EJ, would you do the rest of the introductions? I have some work to complete." Slender said, before walking away.

EJ sighed before grabbing my wrist and dragging me around the room. "This is LJ, Sally, Clockwork, Masky, Toby, Lost Silver, Hoodie, Jane, Dr. Smiley, you already know Jeff and BEN, and everyone else is somewhere else doing who knows what." EJ rushed out. Everyone smiled politely before leaving to do their own thing.

"Congrats." BEN said, patting me on the back. "I knew you'd make it." He said, smiling. "All thanks to you and EJ." I said, before poking him in the stomach. He swatted my hand before grabbing it and dragging me off somewhere.

He led me upstairs and opened a door, leading me inside. "Welcome to my humble abode." BEN said, motioning to his room. I chuckled at his antics before dropping myself onto a beanbag he had on the floor.

"Video games?" He asked, holding up a controller.

"Video games." I smiled.

1272 words

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now