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"Hey BEN what's wrong with (Y/N)?" Jeff asked BEN, pointing to (Y/N) who was stumbling around the mansion holding a jug of Sunny D.

"Honestly I don't even know anymore." BEN replied, staring at his girlfriend. He watched as she decided to approach Slenderman.

"Oh that was her Sunny D? I spiked that with some uh happy juice." Jane said, looking at Sally as she said the words 'happy juice'.

BENs eyes widened. "Why the fuuuu-dge would you do that?! Don't you know the girl is obsessed with Sunny D. Omg she's probably drunk as Shii-ngles?" BEN responded to Jane, eyeing Sally warily.

They were smart not to cuss around her, especially after the last time they did it while Slender was nearby. They didn't sleep very well for a while after that.

"Heyyyyyyyyy slen *hic* daddyyyyyy" (Y/N) slurred while standing in front of Slender. BEN facepalmed and the others laughed. Slender stood uncomfortably as (Y/N) continued speaking to him.

"You should *hic* you should find yourself a *hic* a slender mommy... yeah" (Y/N) trailed off. She smiled up at Slender goofily.

"Children what is the meaning of this? What did you do to (Y/N)?" Slenders voice boomed out into the room.

(Y/N) covered her ears as a look of pain spread across her face. "Shhhhhh you gotta be quiet Slendaddy... the unicorns are sleeping!" (Y/N) said in a whisper shout. Slender looked at her in disbelief and shook his head.

Jane stepped forward nervously.

"I might have accidentally put some uh adult beverages in her Sunny D..." She confessed. Slender tensed before looking back down at (Y/N) who was now gripping onto his leg.

"How come no one ever mentions how white you areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" She asked him. Slender only shook his head at her.

"BEN. Take care of your girlfriend please." Slender ordered. BEN Only sighed as he walked towards (Y/N).

"No! *hic* I'm a strong inde- independent woman that *hic* don't need no elf!" (Y/N) protested. A couple of the pastas chuckled. BEN and Slender did not.

"I don't wannaaaaa go with BENNNNNN *hic* I wanna stay with *hic* Slendaddyyyyy" (Y/N) complained, gripping tighter onto Slenders leg.

"Child please stop calling me that." Slender begged looking down at the girl who had a death grip on his leg. BEN walked closer to (Y/N). She took another swig of the Sunny D before her face lit up.

The girl began climbing Slender until she was on his back. "Woahhhhh it's so high up here..." she said in awe. BEN sighed and floated up to (Y/N), letting his hands become solid so he could hold onto her. "Don't *hic* let go Jack!" She shouted at BEN.

"My name is not Jack." BEN deadpanned, pulling her off of Slender. He set her on the ground and took a deep breath. He knew she wasn't going to like what he was about to do.

BEN inched towards her. "Woah (Y/N)! Look over there!" He exclaimed, pointing behind her. "What? *hic* is it a unicorn?!" She asked, quickly turning around. While she wasn't looking BEN grabbed the Sunny D and chucked it across the room, far far away from (Y/N).

She turned back around towards BEN with a pout on her face. "I didn't *hic* see a unicorn." She mumbled.

Slender began guiding the rest of the pastas out of the room, leaving only (Y/N) and BEN.

"Where did Slendaddy goooooooo?!!!!" (Y/N) shouted, looking around frantically. BEN felt a little annoyed. "Why do you keep calling him that?" He asked her.

(Y/N)'s face suddenly became serious. BEN almost thought she had sobered up for a moment.

"Well I can't call him Daddy because that's you." She said, no stuttering or hiccups at all.

BENs face became very red when he heard that.

"Okayyyyyy you're really drunk. Let's get you to bed." He said, going to pick her up. (Y/N) smirked at him. "Oh yes I *hic* like that idea." She said, wrapping her arms around BEN.

"Nope Nope Nope." BEN said, dropping her back on the ground and walking away. He just couldn't handle her anymore. (Y/N) pouted as she watched her boyfriend disappear up the stairs.

"It's cause the *hic* unicorn was watching wasn't it?" She mumbled turning towards a wall. "Hey you! Get outta here! You scared my boyfriend!" (Y/N) shouted at nothing.

"Speaking of my boyfriend.... *hic* where did my Sunny D go?" She asked aloud. (Y/N) looked around the room but couldn't find anything. Just as she was about to stand up and go to the kitchen, she suddenly passed out.

A few minutes later BEN came back down the stairs.

"Fucking finally." He mumbled, walking towards the sleeping girl. "Leave it to (Y/N) to somehow manage to get drunk on Sunny D. Out of all the things Jane could've spiked and she chose to spike the Sunny D." BEN complained, lifting (Y/N) into his arms.

She didn't move at all. She was out cold. BEN carried her to the TV and went through it, back to their home. Then he brought her to their room and laid her on the bed.

BEN smiled as he watched her sleep peacefully. It almost made him forget how drunk she was a few minutes ago. Almost. BEN slid (Y/N)s shoes off and set them on the ground. Then he took off her jacket and threw it in the clothes basket. After that he tucked her into bed and walked over to the other side.

Yawning, BEN took of his shirt and threw it aside. Then he got into bed and pulled (Y/N) to his chest.

"Remind me to only let you get drunk when we're alone." He mumbled into her neck.

And then he fell asleep.

984 words

Hey so would you guys rather I start on the new creepy pasta (I'm not revealing who it is yet) x reader or start the sunny d x reader?

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Mystery pasta x reader

Sunny D x reader

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