Chapter 11

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"BEN?" I called out into the dark basement. "You there?" I asked cautiously. For about 15 minutes I've been trying to find BEN, who suddenly disappeared. I checked everywhere for him before I decided he was probably hiding in the basement waiting to prank me or something.

I walked further into the dark room, not bothering to turn on a light. The TV was on and it gave an eery glow to everything in the room. "I'm in a fucking horror movie right now." I said out loud.

"Oh so does that make me the killer?" BEN asked from directly behind me. "AHHHH! OMFG BEN YOU CANT JUST SNEAK UP ON ME LIKE THAT!!" I screamed, holding my hand over my heart. This guy was going to kill me... literally and figuratively.

"Pffft!! Ahahaha! You should've seen the look on you're face!" He laughed, clutching his stomach. "You were all like 'ahh! Please BEN don't kill me! I can't die without my precious Sunny D!!'" He said, trying to mimic me with a high pitched voice.

I stood in silence for a moment before saying, "You know that's actually pretty accurate. Hey BEN, when you kill me, can you kill me while I'm drinking Sunny D? That's the way I wanna go." I asked casually. BEN gave me an incredulous look.

"You... want me... to kill you... while drinking Sunny D... of all things???" He asked, amazed. I blinked a few times at him before nodding my head and jumping onto to the couch.

"Hey BEN, you promised I'd get to know you better but I haven't learned hardly anything." I said to him. "Ah well I guess you're right. I haven't really said anything have I?" He mumbled, sitting on the other side of the couch.

"So what do you want to know?" He asked sighing as if this was going to be annoying for him or something. "Wellll, what's your background story? How did this-" I said motioning towards him, "-come to be?" I asked.

"It's kind of a long story but I'll tell you I guess. When I was 12, I was obsessed with anything to do with Legend if Zelda. I fucking loved it. I'd have my parents buy me all the games and for one of my birthdays they even got me the Link outfit. My favorite one is actually Ocarina of Time. I guess I just kind of see it as the classic or something. My life wasn't as great as it seemed though. Although my parents were nice, I had an uncle who came to visit a lot. He was a total drunk and I don't even know why my parents ever let him come over. Well, one day he came into my room, drunk, and he started- he started hitting me. I tried calling for my parents but they never came. My uncle told me they were out getting groceries. This wasn't the first time he'd hit me actually. Almost every time he came over he'd make sure to leave a few bruises. Then he'd tell my parents I got them while playing outside. They never learned the truth. But anyways, this time it was much worse. He beat me so bad I started bleeding. I told him- I said 'please... I just wanna play my game... please' I begged him. It was so stupid. He laughed at me and looked at the screen. I was playing Majoras Mask that day because he broke my Ocarina of Time game. He laughed at me and dragged me out of the house. He said things like how I was good for nothing and playing video games would get me nowhere. We- we uh lived in a house close to a forest. And my uncle- my uncle he forced me into his truck and started driving into the forest and I couldn't do anything because I was just so hurt. I was wearing my Link outfit that day. He stopped the truck by this lake and dragged me out and threw me onto the ground. He- he kept kicking me and I was coughing up blood. And then it happened. He tied me to this big big rock and walked me to the edge of this dock on the lake. His last words to me were 'let's see if video games can get you out of this' and then he threw me in. I- I kept sinking. I tried holding my breath but I couldn't keep it in. I- I started breathing in the water. I couldn't tell if I was crying or if it was just the water on my face. My last thought was how I was so close to finishing Majoras Mask... so so close. It's a stupid last thought but hey, I was 12. My lungs- my lungs felt like they were being crushed. I kept taking in- taking in more water. My vision it was- it was getting real blurry. And then everything faded to black. I- I was dead." BEN explained to me. His voice kept cracking and I could see the unshed tears in his eyes. My own throat felt sore and I couldn't help but to feel sorry for this poor guy. "Then what happened?" I asked, softly, trying to refrain from putting my hand on his shoulder. BEN sighed shakily, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Then I woke up. My entire body hurt and I looked like shit. My throat burned and so did my eyes. I looked around me and I was somewhere familiar. 'Is this heaven?' I had asked, but no one answered. I walked around aimlessly before it finally hit me where I was. I was inside Majoras Mask. I didn't know how much time had passed while I roamed the game, trying to figure out how to get out but I couldn't find a way. At some point, I finally got to look in a mirror and I almost lost it. My skin was this sickly pale color with some grey and blue in it. And my outfit was all torn up. There was blood splotches all over me and my hair looked like a tangled mess. But when I saw my eyes I almost screamed. They weren't there anymore. There was blood running down from my eyes and the sockets were black. All that was there was two small floating red orbs. I later found out that I looked like this because my body was in the lake for quite some time. Apparently I had decayed and decomposed pretty badly. Anyways one day, I'm roaming the game, messing with villagers and such when suddenly everything freezes. And for some reason a kind of screen appears and I see a face. Someone was playing the game. That's where it all started. Seeing someone playing the game that caused my death made me so angry. I got so mad that the game kept glitching and the NPCs were dying. And then... I got out. I ran at the screen and came out of the game. And then I- I killed the person. No hesitation, I just went for it. It was around then I realized that I was a ghost. A few weeks later, Slender found me and brought me in and that's how I became who I am today." He finished.

I looked at him for a few minutes before I jumped across the couch and tackled him. I hugged him as hard as I could and cried. "I'm so sorry BEN! That's so sad! I can't believe someone would do something like that to you!" I cried as I hugged him.

And then it happened.

He hugged me back.

1289 words (this was sooo long omg)

Pls vote it means a lot. It's like a lil hug but without the awkward body contact :)

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now