Chapter 27

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BEN lifted me off of the table and dragged me downstairs into the basement and then to my room, the whole time I was blushing like crazy. "What have I gotten myself into?" I asked, as BEN opened the door to my room quickly before taking us inside and shutting the door behind him.

Instantly, he pinned me up against the door, attacking my neck with his mouth as he made sure the door was locked. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he continued his assault on my skin. "Fuck BEN..." I half-moaned out. "Shhhhh you don't want anyone do hear us, do you?" He whispered, placing a finger over my mouth.

BEN continued sucking and biting at my neck, definitely leaving a few marks. All I could do was stand there with my head leaned back, my legs becoming jelly. BEN traced my chin with his tongue, then proceeded to kiss my cheek. Then my head. Then my nose. He was purposely avoiding what I wanted most.

I growled and smashed my lips against his. He laughed slightly before kissing me back just as hard. He bit my lip gently which caused me to open my mouth slightly. BEN took this as his chance to insert his tongue into my mouth. His hands roamed my stomach, and my sides, before they made their way up and cupped my breasts.

I let out a moan. "(Y/N) what did I say about being quiet? I guess I'll just have to teach you a lesson." He said, smirking. Without warning, BEN lifted me up and tossed me onto my bed, hovering over me. "You have no idea how much I've been wanting to do this." He said lowly, staring into my eyes. I laughed at I stared back into his eyes.

They were clouded with lust above all things, but I could still see the other emotions he had swirling around in them. Love. Happiness. A
bit of fear. I smiled at him, before I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed his face onto mine.

My hands roamed all over his back and his chest, wanting to memorize this feeling. BENs fingers played with the bottom of my shirt before I got impatient and took it off for him. "Eager are we?" He chuckled. "Stop teasing meeeeee" I whined, pouting as I stared up at him. He groaned before he let his hands roam over my chest, feeling the material of my bra. He began leaving bruises on my chest as my hands messed up his hair.

He looked so hot right now.

I tugged off his shirt and tossed it onto the floor, smiling in satisfaction as my hands roamed over him. He had a fucking 6 pack. BEN lifted me up slightly and removed my bra with one hand, also tossing it onto the floor somewhere. BEN stared at my bare chest before a few seconds before attacking my chest once again.

I moaned as he sucked harder and I gripped his hair tighter. Finally he made his way down to me waist, latching a finger onto my pants. He looked up at me and I simply nodded at him with hooded eyes. He unbuttoned my jeans painfully slow and unzipped them even slower. "BENNNNN" I whined, grasping his hair. BEN chuckled before pulling my jeans off and admiring me.

I pouted when I realized he still had his on, so I got up and crawled towards him. He looked down at me with clouded eyes as I removed his pants as slow as possible, just to give him a taste of his own medicine. Finally, I took them off all the way and BEN pinned me to the bed once again.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, staring deeply into my eyes, into my soul. "As long as it's with you, then yes." I said, staring back with the same intensity. As soon as I gave my consent, my underwear was practically ripped off and so was his. I couldn't help but notice how big he was.

Unfortunately, BEN was not my first. A while back, Jane made me hook up with a guy who ditched me as soon as he got what he wanted. But I knew BEN was different. He aligned his member with my entrance, before pushing into me without mercy.

Misunderstandings // A BEN Drowned x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now