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Also you're welcome 😉😉😉


I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The walls were white or maybe the room was just really bright. I squinted my eyes trying to get my vision to adjust. After a few seconds I realized I was in a hospital room. "Huh?" I asked aloud. What happened? Did I get hurt? Where's BEN?

Soon a doctor walked into my room and gasped. "You're finally awake!" She shouted, surprise written all over her face. "We thought you'd never wake up..." she added sadly. Her face suddenly lit up as she ran out of the room. Seconds later two nurses entered.

"(Y/N) what's the last thing you remember?" One of them asked. I tried to remember what events brought me to this hospital. "All I remember is seeing BEN. Where is he? Is he okay?" I asked worriedly. The nurses looked at each other sadly.

"Honey... BEN isn't real." The second nurse said sadly, her eyes showing pity towards me. I looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean he isn't real? I mean I know he's hot but come on. He's my boyfriend. Stop joking and tell me where he is. I miss him." I said staring into their eyes.

The nurses exchanged another glance. "(Y/N)... you've been in a coma for 7 years...." the nurse told me. I gasped. "What? No... that can't be true. Then what about BEN? And Jeff? And all the rest of them. I-" I began tearing up. The nurses looked at my sadly.

"Sometimes, you would talk in your sleep. We think while you were in this coma you invented people so you wouldn't feel so lonely. These... people... they aren't real (Y/N). You've been dreaming for a very long time." The nurse explained to me slowly. She looked pained, as if it hurt her to tell me all this.

My entire body began to shake. I started shaking my head rapidly. "No no no no no no. It can't be. No. But BEN! I- I loved him. This can't be real!" I shouted, sitting upright from the bed.

"I know this may be a lot to take in. You might not feel like all this is real, but we have someone who'd like to see you and maybe they can help you." The nurse said to me gently. The other nurse opened the door to my hospital room and gestured someone to come inside.

I couldn't believe it.

"(Y/N)!" She cried happily, tears streaming down her face. "No but... but you were murdered. You- how can you be alive?" I asked. My mom looked at me sadly, her eyes softening. "Sweetie I'm right here. It's okay. I'm here now. I'm here now." She comforted me.

I couldn't keep in my tears anymore and I bursted out crying, hugging my mother tightly. "I- I can't believe you're alive. You were gone...." I trailed off, sobbing. My mom only hugged me tighter.

I couldn't believe this was real.

My mom finally let go and I decided to ask the question that had been bothering me.

"What happened to me?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

My mother let out a quiet chuckle. The nurses left the room to give us some privacy. "It's actually kind of funny (Y/N). It's something that only you could manage to do. I had to go on a business trip for a weekend. I figured you could handle yourself for a few days. So I gave you some money for food and went on my way.... but when I came back I found you in the kitchen. It turns out you spent all the money I gave you on Sunny D. The police guessed that you did nothing but drink Sunny D all weekend. It turns out, that stuff isn't really that good for you. It's fine if you just have a couple glasses... but (Y/N), you drank almost 69 jugs. 69! It finally got to you and the paramedics say that when you stood on top of the counter to get a clean glass, you slipped on some spilt Sunny D and fell onto the floor. On the way down your head collided with a bulk size Sunny D container and then the hard ground and it knocked you out pretty bad.... it's been 7 years (Y/N) and I am never letting you drink Sunny D ever again." My mother explained to me.

I gasped. How could this happen to me?

No More Sunny D?????!!!!!

Suddenly I took in a huge breath of air and bolted up. But I wasn't in the hospital anymore. Sweat rolled down my face as I gasped for air and looked around me frantically. I didn't even try to figure out where I was before I bolted out of the bed and ran throughout the house trying to find the kitchen. When I finally found it, i tore open the fridge and grabbed a jug of Sunny D. It was half empty but that didn't matter. Without hesitation, I ripped the lid off and began chugging.

My happiness didn't last long though, because before I knew it, the jug was empty. I opened the fridge desperately but to my absolute horror... there was no Sunny D left. I fell to the ground on my knees, not even bothering to close the fridge, and let out an ear piercing scream. This was it. I had nothing left to live for. I couldn't live this life without Sunny D.

I curled up on the floor, grasping tightly to the empty Sunny D container and cried my heart out. Footsteps raced towards me and I suddenly felt someone's hands on my face.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?! Are you okay?! What happened?! Are you hurt?! Please answer me!" Came a voice from above me. I couldn't see who it was because my tears blurred my vision. It was a miracle I was even able to hear what they said over my loud sobs. "I can't do this anymore. I can't live on this planet. Please... put me out of my misery." I cried, holding more tightly onto the Sunny D.

"(Y/N) what- oh." They said, all worry and concern suddenly leaving their voice. I heard them sigh as the stood up and walked away. Leaving me alone to mourn the loss of my precious Sunny D. After a few seconds I realized the pain was too unbearable. I couldn't live like this.

Wiping my eyes, but still crying, I stood up, holding onto my Sunny D like a child would a teddy bear. Trying to stay quiet I made my way over to the knife block and pulled out a knife. I looked at my Sunny D one more time and took a deep breath. "We'll be together soon." I said, preparing to stab myself with the knife.

"Holy shit (Y/N)! I have more Sunny D!" Someone shouted, running towards me. At the mention of Sunny D, all my tears quickly disappeared and I looked up. There in front of me was BEN, holding a bottle of Sunny D. I dropped the knife and ran towards him, arms open wide.

BEN opened his arms towards me but I only gave him a look of confusion as I took the Sunny D from his hands and held it close to my chest. "I love life! Look at this fucking fantastic specimen right here! I can't believe I was going to give this up!" I cheered, hugging the Sunny D.

"Wow thanks." BEN deadpanned. I smiled up at him and brought him into my hug. I wasn't about to stop hugging the Sunny D, but I guess BEN was kinda special to me, so he could join in on the hug. "I love you BEN! Where did you get this?" I asked, still smiling.

"(Y/N). You've pulled this exact stunt over a hundred times and every time I tell you that I keep an extra supply of Sunny D in the basement but you never listen." He said, staring at me with no emotion in his eyes.

"Oh." I responded, awkwardly chuckling afterwards.

"That reminds me!" I exclaimed. But then I got distracted and began chugging the Sunny D. "Ahhhh that hit the spot." I grinned. BEN looked at me expectantly. "Ah! Right! I had the worst dream BEN! You wouldn't believe it." I told him, throwing the empty bottle away and standing up. I led him to our bedroom and explained what had happened in my dream.

"And then she told me I was banned from Sunny D!" I shouted, wiping invisible tears from my eyes. "I think that's the worse nightmare I've ever had." I confessed, looking into BENs eyes. His face lit up as he began chuckling before it broke out into full on hysterical laughter.

After he finally calmed down he stared into my eyes. "I fucking love you." He said, before capturing my lips with his.

1497 words

I actually wrote this shortly after I finished writing chapter 35 😂😂😂

Also don't be afraid to slide into my DMs or whatever. I like talking to all of you :D

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