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Jeremy's pov
As I walked through the halls of Evan's school I saw Michael,I gasped."Michael!"I shouted,he took his headphones off.he turned and saw me,he gasped."Jeremy!"he yelled,I ran to him.he lifted me up and spun me around.i laughed,Evan stood by awkwardly.Michael put me down,"Oh Michael this is my step brother Evan!"I said.

"Nice to meet you!"he said as he held out his hand,Evan was shaking."He has social anxiety."I whispered to Michael,"ohhhhhh..."he said."Hey can I sighed your cast?"he asked Evan,Evan gulped.i noticed that his cast had,"CONNOR"written hugely on it."Michael can sign under Connor's signature!"i said,"o-o-Ok."Evan stuttered.

Michael grabbed a sharpie,"so what are you doing here?"I asked as Michael signed Evan's cast."Well when I heard from Brooke that you were moving I thought that if you moved I would move too!"he explained,he closed the sharpie."Done!"he said.Evan looked at his cast,"t-thanks."Evan said.

"What are you doing at Westerburg?"Michael asked,"Evan's giving me a tour!"i said."sweet,I'm getting a tour too,but I lost my tour guide."he said,"he's kind of a duck."he said.i looked at him confused,"I don't want to say dick in front of your pure step bro."he whispered."Ohhhhhh ok."I said,"HEY HEADPHONES WHERE ARE YOU?!"we heard a voice yell.

Evan groaned,"I-I-it's Jared."he said."you know him?"Michael asked,"w-w-we're family friends,h-he uses me for his car insurance."Evan explained."Hey Acorn!"a guy,who I assume is Jared,said as he walked up to us."H-Hi Jared."Evan mumbled,he clearly didn't want to talk to Jared right now.

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