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Jeremy's pov
"So wait,Connor's parents know about Zoe and Alana but they don't know about you and Connor?"I asked,Evan nodded.Evan was watering his giant plant Dustin,"that's fucked up,no offense."i said."Y-Yeah I agree."he said,"What's even gonna happen if you come out to his parents?"i asked.

"W-Woah Jer,o-one step at a time.Connor and I didn't even tell my mom we're dating."he said,"Well my dad excepted me and Michael,mainly cause he knew or something."I explained."i-I know,I've tried talking to Connor about c-coming out to my mom but he always a-avoids the co-conversation."he said,"is he scared?"I asked.

"T-That's a theory,h-he just always avoids talking about it."he said,suddenly his phone buzzed.he took it out of his pocket and read the text,"I-I gotta go,Connor is h-high and he's trying to beat up someone."he said."Want me to come with you?"i asked,"I can be backup."I added.

"S-Sure."he said.

At the park...

Evan's pov
"C-Connor?C-Connor?"I called out,"Connor?"Jeremy called out."Where could he be?"he asked,"I-I don't know,I-I'm concerned and scared."I said.i then saw something in the lake,I squinted.i gasped,"O-Oh my go-god Connor!"I yelled.Jeremy gasped,we ran down the hill.Jeremy jumped into the lake and grabbed Connor,he dragged him onto the ground.

"Evan give me your phone!"he yelled,I handed it to him.i was shaking,I was giving Connor CPR while Jeremy called 911."I-I Can feel a pulse!"i said,I began to cry and hugged Connor.

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