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Evan's pov
I was pacing around the living room anxiously waiting for Connor,today was the day we were gonna tell my mom and my step dad that we're dating.i heard the doorbell rang,I opened the door and saw Connor!"Y-You made it!"i said,smiling.he smiled,"Are you sure we're ready?"he asked.i nodded,"Oh hi Connor!"my mom said."Ah you must be Evan's friend Connor!"Paul said,"T-That's um,w-what we wanted to talk about.M-Mom,P-Paul,Can y-you u-uh...s-sit down on the couch?"I said.

They sat down on the couch,I fidgeted with the end of my shirt."M-Mom,P-Paul,C-Connor and I are not friends...w-we're more then that."I said,"Best friends?"Paul said."N-No."i said.i held Connor's hand,"W-We're dating."I said.my Mom gasped,"Honey...that's wonderful!"she said.

"Wait you're not mad?"Connor asked,"No why would we be?"Paul asked."Plus Evan you're my brave little guy,coming out."she said,I smiled."N-Now the toughest thing is...never mind."I said,"What is it honey?"she asked.

i looked at Connor,he nodded."C-Connor is afraid of coming out to his pa-parents,he's a-afraid t-they're gonna di-disown him o-or send him to mi-military school."I said,"Don't be afraid Connor,I'm sure they'll except you."my mom said.Connor looked down guiltily,"Yeah....I guess...."he said.

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