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Jeremy's pov
Evan was pacing around the hospital waiting room,biting his nails.we already called Connor's parents,"Connor Murphy?"we heard a nurse say.Evan walked up to the nurse,I placed a hand on his shoulder."H-How is he?I-Is he go-gonna Be Ok?"Evan asked,"he's gonna be fine,he just needs to stop taking drugs that aren't good for him."the nurse said.

Evan sighed in relief,"he's awake so you can see him,I'll lead you to his room."the nurse said."Thank you."i said,"no problem."she said.we we got to his room Evan gasped,Connor didn't look so good.

Evan's pov
"C-Connor!"i said as I saw him,he saw me and looked down guiltily.i ran to him and hugged him,I kissed his cheek."Y-You scared the s-shrub out of me!"i said,"Shrub?"Jeremy repeated."Evan doesn't like to curse."Connor mumbled,"Connor!"I heard his mom say,I knew the drill and immediately stood next to Jeremy.

Jeremy's pov
As soon as we heard mrs.Murphy for some reason Evan immediately stood next to me,"W-"he cut me off."we c-can ta-talk about this later."he whispered as Connor's parents and sister came inside,after they lectured him they left his room.Zoe gave him a book and then left,"Ok what the fuck?"i said.

"Language."Connor said,"you have to tell your parents y-"Evan cut me off."j-Jeremy p-please!don't talk about this."he begged,"I have to Ev,how long have you and Connor been together?"I asked.Evan looked down,Connor held his hand."10 months."Connor mumbled,"exactly,don't you think it's time?"I said.Connor hesitated,"H-He has a point Con."Evan said.

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