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here's the last email Evan sent Heidi

Dear Mom,
Today I graduate college,Connor and I already planned to buy an apartment.don't worry,we won't be that far away from home.He said he had a surprise for me,I'm still trying to figure that out.I'll miss you so much Mom,I love you mom.


Yes I am fully aware some of this is from the original,I just got lazy

Also quick bmc headcannon:

Jeremy and rich have ptsd after their squips were removed

Ok back to the story

Connor's pov
I've been thinking about it,I got permission from Heidi and Paul(and Jeremy)and I'm finally gonna do it.Im gonna propose to Evan,all I needed was perfect timing.Luckily I learned about that from a German tv series,(god if you guys don't know about it just go on YouTube and search up Christian and Oli kiss)I just hope this goes well.

I'll have to admit:I'm a bit anxious.they began to call people's names,"Charlie Price!"they called.Charlie walked up to stage to grab his certificate,Lola cheered for him.we cheered as well,he got off stage and sat back down next to Lola.

"Lola porter!"they said,Charlie cheered as Lola walked on stage to get their certificate.they did a pose,then walked off stage and sat back down.they finally called my name,my mom came to see me and Zoey graduate.then they called Evan,they did speeches on how we'll survive the world and shit.

I knew it was almost time to throw our hats,"Evan?"i said.he looked at me,with his baby blue eyes."yeah Connor?"he said,I gulped.i grabbed the ring from my pocket,"I love you so much Evan,and I want to spend every day of my life with you."i said.i got down on one knee,he gasped.

I held up the ring,"Evan Hansen,will you marry me?"i asked.he began to cry,he hugged me."Yes Connor!Yes!"He said,I cried a little too.i slipped the ring on his finger,we kissed as everyone threw their hats.


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