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Connor's pov
"Ughhhh I hate jet lagggggg."I groaned,Evan and I were too tired to do anything so we've been lying in bed all day.we heard a knock on the door,"Evan?Connor,I brought you lunch."I heard Heidi say."Y-You can c-co-come in mom."Evan yawned,Heidi opened the door."awww you two look so adorable!"she said,"That's cause Evan's a teddy bear."I mumbled as I buried my face in his chest.

A couple of hours later...

Michael's pov
"Sweet!you got me the pride Mickey Mouse hat!"I said to Jeremy,I was at his house."So were's Connor and Evan?"I asked,Jeremy sat back."Connor's outside smoking,and Evan's still asleep."he said,"N-No....d-don't hurt them....p-p-please...."we heard someone say.we both looked at each other,we walked upstairs carefully.

We opened Evan's room door,we saw him tossing and turning."N-No....N-No...C-C-C-Connor h-help...."he mumbled,we looked at each other.we heard the front door open,we ran downstairs."Connor!Evan's having a bad dream!"I said,he widened his eyes.he ran upstairs,"phew the situation's been handled."i said.

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