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Connor's pov

A day were they send you to college so you could get a job.We all decided to go to a community college together,by We I mean:
And Evan and I!
"I'm so excited!we're gonna make so many new friends in college!"Zoey said,"yeah b-but what really matters is that we're all still friends!"Evan said.i smiled,it's cute when he stutters."And at least we're not single!"Rich said,"Eyyy!"we all shouted.Jenna rolled her eyes,we laughed.

We all went to the auditorium and sat in our seats,I held Evan's hand."i swear to god If won't let us share a dorm room-"I said,"Connor,you promised no violence unless they hit first."evan said."oh right,sorry babe I forgot."I said,he kissed my cheek."it's ok Connie."he said,I smiled at the nickname he gave me.

Once the teachers said all the things they needed to say they began to call names up,"Jared Kleinman."they said.Jared stood up and walked onto stage,Sabrina cheered for him.he got his certificate and shook the teachers hand,then walked off stage and sat back down.

"You did great Jared!"Sabrina said to him,"thanks baby!"he said as he kissed her.once they called all of our names we all stood up,we heard a speech from some random guy who said we won't end up being failures.

"You are now all adults!"he said,we all cheered and threw our hats.i kissed Evan as we did that,Rich kissed Jake,Jared kissed Sabrina,Michael kissed Jeremy,and Zoey kissed Alana.

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