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Heidi's pov
"Oh Evan I'm so happy for you!"i said,Evan was smiling.today was his wedding!"T-Thanks m-mom."he said,I hugged him.he hugged me back,I looked at him."I never thought this day would come,I always thought you'd be my little guy forever."I said,"A-Aw m-mom s-stop,y-you're gonna make me cry."he said."sorry,sorry."I said,he smiled."now come on,you got a wedding to get to!"i said,Evan and Connor were having their wedding at the abandoned orchard.

Jeremy's pov
"Connor stop itching your neck."I whispered,"but I want weed."he mumbled,"It's your wedding day today and Evan doesn't want you to be high!"I whispered.He rolled his eyes,"I can't believe you're going to be my brother in law."I said jokingly.Connor chuckled,suddenly the music began to play.everyone stood up as Evan walked down the aisle with dad,Dad sat down and Evan held Connor's hands.

Connor's pov
"Dearly beloved,we're gathered here to unite Evan Trensch Hansen and Connor Boniello Murphy in holy matrimony."the priest began to say,"you look beautiful."I mouthed to Evan."The grooms have written their own vows."the priest said,I went first:

"Evan,when we first met,all of my anger went away.On our first date I used to dislike pistachio ice cream until you encouraged me to try it,when I've tried to take my own life you saved me from death.you helped me battle depression,but most importantly...you helped me see meaning in life,I love you Evan Hansen."

People were crying,even the priest was crying a bit.It was Evan's turn:

"A-A wise m-man o-once t-to-told m-me t-that l-love I-Is l-love.I-I've carried t-th-tho-those w-words w-with me-me f-for a-a long,I-I used to t-think t-the world w-was h-horrible a-an-and I-impossible,u-until I met you.I-I love y-you s-so m-much Connor,y-you're always patient.A-And I can't wait to spend the rest of my l-life with you and grow old with you."

"I now pronounce you husband and husband."

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