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Evan's pov
Everyone clapped as he cut the cake,"I CALL DIPS ON THE GROOM AND GROOM CAKE TOP!"Rich yelled.Connor and I laughed,we sat down next to my mom and step dad.Jeremy got up,he held up his glass."A toast!to my cool step brother and his husband,may you guys have the best day ever on your honeymoon!"he said,"cheers!"everyone said.Connor and I smiled,"S-So h-how does i-it feel to b-be a H-Hansen?"I asked him.

He held my hand,"It's the best thing in the world,now when I celebrate Hanukkah with you people won't ask me why aren't we celebrating Christmas."he said."W-Wait,y-you want to convert religions?a-are you sure?"I asked,he kissed me on the lips."is that an answer?"he asked,I nodded.

Connor's pov
We got on the dance floor with everyone and began to dance,Evan rested his head on my chest.i wrapped my arms around his waist,"Awww!"everyone said.Evan looked at me,his eyes twinkling."W-Woah..."he whispered,"What?"I asked."Y-You're eyes,t-they're beautiful."he whispered,I smiled.

I lifted him up and carried him bridal style to the car,I put Evan down.he closed his eyes as he threw the bouquet of flowers,we smiled as he saw Jeremy holding them.he was blushing like crazy,Michael gave him a look.we laughed and got in the car,we began to drive."W-Where a-ar-are we going?"he asked,I smiled."To Hawaii!"I cheered,he gasped and smiled.

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