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Connor's pov
"So Evan,Jeremy,Connor,how was school?"Heidi asked.i was having dinner with them,Evan poked his food with his fork."It was ok I guess,Evan and I went outside for our free period."i said,I really needed to break the silence.While Jeremy talked about his day I looked at Evan,"Ev,baby,my ray of sunshine,can you please eat for me?"I whispered.he looked at me,"I don't care if your fat or skinny,you're beautiful just the way you are."I whispered.

He blushed,he ate a little bit.i smiled,"that took a lot of skills."I thought.

Michael's pov
"Christine,I gotta tell you something."i said,we were at Avacabros,the best coffee shop in the world."What is it?"she asked,I sighed and held up a bag of weed.she gasped,"It's Connor's,Jeremy made me take it."i said."Ok he has gone too far!"she said as she stood up,"What are you doing?!"I asked as we left the shop.

"What I should've done before!but we have to hurry!"she said as we began to run.

Evan's pov
Connor and I were watching Wall-E,he began to fidget a bit."W-Weed break?"I asked,he nodded.i paused the movie,he kissed my forehead and went out the front door.

Connor's pov
"Ugh were is it?"I mumbled to myself as I dug in my pockets,"Here."I heard Michael say.he handed me my of weed,"What the-"Christine cut me off,"Jeremy made him,now where is he?"she asked.

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