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Jeremy's pov
"I'm honestly glad Connor's ok."I began to say to Michael,we were in his basement playing Mario Kart."Im glad he's ok too but geez,did you see Evan's face?how worried he was about Connor?"Michael said,I paused."Evan...loves Connor,I mean they're both fucked up.He has anxiety and Connor has depression....." said.

"Jesus Christ...."Michael said,"Yeah I know."I said."I wonder what they're doing right now?"I said,"they're probably fucking."Michael said.he laughed,I hit his arm playfully.

Evan's pov
Connor and I were cuddling,we were listening to our playlist:

(Here's the link idk if it will work)


I buried my face in his chest as Cecile Smith began to play,"Ev?"Connor said

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I buried my face in his chest as Cecile Smith began to play,"Ev?"Connor said."Y-Yeah?"I said,I looked up and saw tears streaming down Connor's face."I-Im sorry I did that....I-I'm sorry I put you through that....I...I don't deserve you,I'm so fucked up."he began to say,I looked at him worried.

I wiped his tears,"Shhh,C-Connor it's ok."I said."Y-You are not alone Connor,n-never forget that."I said,he sniffed.he buried his face in my chest,he mumbled something but I couldn't hear him.i played with his hair a bit,"W-We'll go th-through this together Connor."I said.

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